Any advice on resolving Social or Mental Conflicts?

Any advice on resolving Social or Mental Conflicts?

Any advice on resolving Social or Mental Conflicts? I’ve been using Take Down, but it doesn’t always feel “right”. And for clarification, I’m talking about using Influence to Fast-Talk a cop, or Charm a doorman, or even Intimidate or Terrorize Mooks.

Here’s a Playlist of our ongoing Heroes of Avalon City game.

Here’s a Playlist of our ongoing Heroes of Avalon City game.

Here’s a Playlist of our ongoing Heroes of Avalon City game. Everyone is still learning the ins-and-outs of WiP, but the most important thing is that everyone is having a blast playing it! 

We try to game every week and the roster of heroes changes, depending on Player availability. Oh and there’s a bunch of Fate rpg stuff on there too; like Shadowrun, Dredd, Riddick, Conan, etc. So sub, if you want to see more rpg shenanigans! =)

Need some (more) help, guys!

Need some (more) help, guys!

Need some (more) help, guys!

Is there an Initiative or Turn mechanic or is that simply based on the narrative?

It is my understanding that Inflicting Conditions, using an Enemy Move, only needs to have narrative justification. So what this means is that the EIC never needs to roll dice for an enemy?

Or is this just woven into the narrative, by the Take Down Move; specifically when a character decides to NOT choose “Take No Harm In the Doing”?

Does the EIC decide, based upon the narrative, how severe a Condition should be and just assigns it to the unfortunate hero?

Here’s Artifact, a college kid who’s inherited the legacy of gathering and guarding lost magical relics.

Here’s Artifact, a college kid who’s inherited the legacy of gathering and guarding lost magical relics.

Here’s Artifact, a college kid who’s inherited the legacy of gathering and guarding lost magical relics.

Let’s discuss Bonds!

Let’s discuss Bonds!

Let’s discuss Bonds!

It seems logical that the EIC can LOWER a Bond at will, but can a Player Burn a Bond to a negative amount? (from 0, to -1, for example)

Even though a Player may only Burn 1 Bond per action, can the EIC reduce a Bond by more than 1 point at a time? (from 3 to 1, for example) Maybe to narrate a particularly devastating blow to that relationship?

Is there a max/min cap to a Bond (if it isn’t stated in a Book)? For example, can a Bond be higher than 10, or less than -10?

Can a Player Burn a Bond beyond 0? (For example, my Girlfriend Bond is currently a 0. Can I Burn it again, reducing it to a -1?)

What exactly is the “Bonds to Be Resolved” section, on the Character Sheet, used for?

Are Players required to repair damaged Bonds? Can a Player just decide to let that Girlfriend Bond -3 evaporate (while providing a narrative, of course) and clear a space for a new Bond?

Other than a Drive, can new Bonds be established, just by the Narrative (and as long as a Hero has room in her Bond Threshold and the Player agrees)?

When instructed to take a Bond, by my Drive Book, do I automatically have a default Bond of 1, or 0?

When instructed to take a Bond, by my Drive Book, do I automatically have a default Bond of 1, or 0?

When instructed to take a Bond, by my Drive Book, do I automatically have a default Bond of 1, or 0?

When you choose a Drive book, during Character Creation, is the book considered to be fully open and all of it’s…

When you choose a Drive book, during Character Creation, is the book considered to be fully open and all of it’s…

When you choose a Drive book, during Character Creation, is the book considered to be fully open and all of it’s Moves immediately available to use as well?

Or do I just have access to the Drive Book, but I still need to open the book’s Moves?

Hey guys!

Hey guys!

Hey guys! I just picked up WoP and it’s my first foray into the Apocalypse World-related ruleset. As a big fan of Fate and Icons, it looks like an easy transition for me.

I do have a question: Do both “Take No Harm” and “Reduce Mob By 1” have a Choice cost of 1? For example, with a 9 (Moderate) Takedown roll result, could I blast into a swarming cloud of nanites (Reduce Mob By 1), and then duck behind the burnt out remains of a nearby vehicle (Take No Harm)?

I must admit, I am only on p. 38, but I didn’t see a clear answer, in the examples given, so far.

Can’t wait to run this! Thanks! =)