Our next session of this campaign is on Saturday, so thought I’d shared this AP of our last game.

Our next session of this campaign is on Saturday, so thought I’d shared this AP of our last game.

Our next session of this campaign is on Saturday, so thought I’d shared this AP of our last game. Tensioned and events are ratcheting up now, and I’d expect End-of-Season to be triggered very soon…really have no idea how this is going to turn out!

Originally shared by Donogh McCarthy

Another session of our Monsterhearts game. I don’t even know where to start for my Infernal: parental issues, being in her dark self for the entire session, at least not all the other PCs are after her!

Victor, the ghoul is too busy screwing/murdering his teachers!

Madison, the witch deploying gicky hexes

Aster, the Fae trying to be reasonable (like that’s going to last!)

David Jay, J.D. Lichauco, Jørund Kambestad Lie, Yoshi Creelman

P.S. not sure if we’re organising this on the Gauntlet anymore, so let me know if you still want to see these posts here

This session of Fallen Empire was (apart from the Love Letters at the start) almost purely PC-NPC-PC triangle!

This session of Fallen Empire was (apart from the Love Letters at the start) almost purely PC-NPC-PC triangle!

This session of Fallen Empire was (apart from the Love Letters at the start) almost purely PC-NPC-PC triangle!

It was fantastic, and thoroughly enjoyable (even from just an MC perspective)

I have a few (small niggly) questions about Fallen Empires, and I know Vincent is busy with the main 2E project, so…

I have a few (small niggly) questions about Fallen Empires, and I know Vincent is busy with the main 2E project, so…

I have a few (small niggly) questions about Fallen Empires, and I know Vincent is busy with the main 2E project, so I wonder if anyone else has any opinions (probably starting a short campaign on Thursday):

1. The Child of Battle:

Do you think there’s necessarily any connection between choosing Distinctive Armour and your choice of light/heavy armour as your Equipment picks?

If not, do you think there should be any mechanical advantage to having Distinctive Armour? (like forcing characters who are about to fight you to ‘Go into Danger’?)

2. Wolfshead:

Does the Mount get any armour by default? Does it match the Wolfshead’s equipment choice?

3. The Sword Master:

I find it strange that the ‘Terrifying Weapons of War’ are in some cases the same or worse that ‘Serious Weapons’. OK, so this is just based on the number of ‘Deadly’ tags they have – am I missing something here?

4. Shoulder Another Rider:

I would’ve thought that this should take into account the relative strengths of the mounts, but maybe not…


Some questions/comments after our first session of Sagas last week

Some questions/comments after our first session of Sagas last week

Some questions/comments after our first session of Sagas last week

1. the advancement rules really direct the PCs towards their relationships. I reckon this will take a while to sink in with some of the players; it’s a big change from previous PbtA games we’ve played.

How rigid are people with the instruction “When one of your moves targets a character that you have a relationship with”? 

If a character’s honour is questioned by someone they have a relationship with, does that count?

2. In the moves which allow characters (Shield Maiden and Godi) to pick moves from rolesbooks of the other gender, they say “If it uses Gendered, you use Wyrd instead.”, but there are very few of those I can spot (Child: Play; Woman: Running the house, Family Chest; Man: Man’s work) and some of those seem very specific to that role and not really transferable – am I missing something?

Also, given that Monster and Thrall can be chosen with either gender, I presume they’d be fair game to pick?

3. In the Armour move, one of the choices is that the armour gets “irrevocably destroyed” that’s obviously expensive if it comes to mail; but there’s nothing that forces someone to do that.

Though “You regain the hold spent only when you have plenty of time to fix and readjust your armour” makes me suspect that this mightn’t actually be irrevocable after all.

In the Weapons section, spears destroy mail automatically. Is that also irrevocable or is it temporary?

4. In Battle, how many of the PCs group should we assume are harmed by default? I would have guessed at a few…but then the ‘you watch each other’s back’ choice would be pointless, so half?

Also, what would you suggest for a PC participating in a battle – accepting a physical challenge?

(I love these battle rules by the way, talk about hard choices!)

Some fantastic apocalyptica I encountered reading about Rome’s Egyptian frontier: writing about the Kharga…

Some fantastic apocalyptica I encountered reading about Rome’s Egyptian frontier: writing about the Kharga…

Some fantastic apocalyptica I encountered reading about Rome’s Egyptian frontier: writing about the Kharga depression (where hot days are known as the Father of Axes to locals), Wilfred Blunt:

How the earth burns! Each pebble underfoot

Is a living thing with power to wound.

The white sand quivers, and the mute footfall

Of the slow camels strikes, but gives no sound,

As though they walked on flame, not solid ground.

Tis noon, and the beasts’ shadows even have fled

Back to their feet, and there is fire around

And fire beneath, and overhead the sun.

Pitiful Heaven!

I seem to remember a move/advance to move points from Young to Versed but can’t find it in the book…

I seem to remember a move/advance to move points from Young to Versed but can’t find it in the book…

I seem to remember a move/advance to move points from Young to Versed but can’t find it in the book…

Was this in the beta version / discussed on the forum as an option?

If it’s not still there, how do people find moving characters from one role to another over the course of the game – is there anyway for a character to ‘settle down’?



It’s like every time I play and/or read the AW book I gain a deeper appreciation of what’s going on.

It’s like every time I play and/or read the AW book I gain a deeper appreciation of what’s going on.

It’s like every time I play and/or read the AW book I gain a deeper appreciation of what’s going on.

At our session on Wednesday night, they missed a roll and I glanced down at the relevant threat’s (warlord) moves and picked out

‘Make a show of discipline’

For me it moved what was a great scene already to pure gold and now they’re worried about this guy in a way they weren’t really before

For what had (on my first reading at least) seemed like a very fluffy move to make; or even that the list of threat-specific MC moves themselves was kind of extraneous – I’m totally digging it now!