What would the potential impact be of allowing a player to start without any cyberware?

What would the potential impact be of allowing a player to start without any cyberware?

What would the potential impact be of allowing a player to start without any cyberware? I don’t have an imminent game in which to test this, but I thought I’d ask here, because I know of a potential player who may ask.

I’ve been listening to some podcasts, lately, and I heard of this thing called “Monster of the Week”…

I’ve been listening to some podcasts, lately, and I heard of this thing called “Monster of the Week”…

I’ve been listening to some podcasts, lately, and I heard of this thing called “Monster of the Week”…

…hmmm… I thought…

My youngest daughters (17 and 21) love Supernatural and my wife is a big fan of Charmed and various Urban Fantasy novel series…

So… I bought it…

Then I found this G+ Community.
