is looking for GMs is looking for GMs is looking for GMs

Late 20th century Retrofuturism

08/24-08/26 Providence RI

Please submit an event at

Uncharted Worlds is a perfect fit and I wish a GM can come and run it.

You get GM badge for everyday/4hours, and access to the volunteer lounge

Designers contact me, we would like to showcase you

Follow on Twitter @gamesondemandri is looking for GMs (August 24-26 2018) is looking for GMs (August 24-26 2018) is looking for GMs (August 24-26 2018)

This year’s theme is late 20th century Retrofuturism (think but not limited to; Cyberpunk, Satanic Panic, Tales from the loop, and retro tabletop gaming). If you run games in other genres we love you too and will schedule you, but we do want to promote this years theme.

Please submit an event at You will receive a GM badge for everyday to volunteer 4 hours or more, and access to the volunteer lounge.