So, There really is a lack of MC’s for this game. And I’m tired of that nonsense!

So, There really is a lack of MC’s for this game. And I’m tired of that nonsense!

So, There really is a lack of MC’s for this game. And I’m tired of that nonsense!

So I’m going to run it!

Time will be Sunday at 8pm EST. We will use skype for voice and roll20 for the campaign table. This will be a weekly game and I’m hoping we can do a session zero next Sunday so 12/11/16.

Comment here or private message me if you are interested.

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who’d be willing to run a roll20 campaign of Masks?

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who’d be willing to run a roll20 campaign of Masks?

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who’d be willing to run a roll20 campaign of Masks? We’re a group of five player who are familiar with the book though this is more or less are first time playing this game. We can all play on Friday at 6:30pm Est. Let me know if there is any interest.