The second installment of my AP reports for the Troublemakers campaign I’m running via Hangouts: geek references ins…

The second installment of my AP reports for the Troublemakers campaign I’m running via Hangouts: geek references ins…

The second installment of my AP reports for the Troublemakers campaign I’m running via Hangouts: geek references ins this session include Star Wars, D&D and a brief nod to Star Trek!

The AP report for the first session of Danedlion Days, a mini-campaign for Troublemakers that I’m running over…

The AP report for the first session of Danedlion Days, a mini-campaign for Troublemakers that I’m running over…

The AP report for the first session of Danedlion Days, a mini-campaign for Troublemakers that I’m running over Hangouts.

I’ve just posted the AP report for the game of Troublemakers I ran at Concrete Cow on Saturday 9th: this was played…

I’ve just posted the AP report for the game of Troublemakers I ran at Concrete Cow on Saturday 9th: this was played…

I’ve just posted the AP report for the game of Troublemakers I ran at Concrete Cow on Saturday 9th: this was played as a down-to-Earth character drama, without any fantastical elements, to test how the system handles that.

I’m hoping to launch my 3 session online playtest of Troublemakers this Friday, the 16th, at 7.30pm GMT and I’d like…

I’m hoping to launch my 3 session online playtest of Troublemakers this Friday, the 16th, at 7.30pm GMT and I’d like…

I’m hoping to launch my 3 session online playtest of Troublemakers this Friday, the 16th, at 7.30pm GMT and I’d like at least one more player to join in.

Troublemakers is a PbtA game of childhood adventures, inspired by films, TV and books featuring child protagonists, including but not limited to Super 8, Stranger Things, Bridge to Terabithia and the Jonny Maxwell books by Terry Pratchett, the game is about children who go on remarkable adventures and save the day despite the intervention of the adults around them, uncovering secret & wondrous things and maybe even growing up a little in the process. Check out the pitch sheet on the link for more details.

The stars aligned and we finally got together to complete our online campaign of The ‘Hood: read the epic conclusion…

The stars aligned and we finally got together to complete our online campaign of The ‘Hood: read the epic conclusion…

The stars aligned and we finally got together to complete our online campaign of The ‘Hood: read the epic conclusion here!

As part of the modern urban horror/supernatural hack I’m toying with (think 50% Misfits and 50% The Fades), I’ve…

As part of the modern urban horror/supernatural hack I’m toying with (think 50% Misfits and 50% The Fades), I’ve…

As part of the modern urban horror/supernatural hack I’m toying with (think 50% Misfits and 50% The Fades), I’ve begun to rough out a playbook called The Antiquarian, whose schtick is that they are a mature, reliable figure, such as a grandparent, who has accumulated wisdom through life experience.

I’m having an issue with trying to conceptualise their sex move though, as I can imagine anything I write creating a degree of discomfort and even hilarity among players. I’m tempted to give them something completely different, a move that is triggered by something other than sex with another character, but am I just being over-sensitive? If not, what sort of trigger would make a good replacement?