Hi all.

Hi all.

Hi all. hoping to start a small Boston face to face group for an ongoing pbta game. I was thinking Monster of the week or monsterhearts or urban shadows or masks would be fun but I’m open to running others if everyone else wants it.

If anyone is interested and lives in the Boston area let me know.

I was thinking we could have weekly meetings at Pandemonium or somewhere else depending… but finding a location shouldn’t be too difficult.

If anyone is interested let me know and I’ll set up a meeting place.

Hi all.

Hi all.

Hi all. hoping to start a small Boston face to face group for an ongoing pbta game. I was thinking Monsterhearts or Masks or Urban Shadows or monster of the week would be fun but I’m open to running others if everyone else wants it.

If anyone is interested and lives in the Boston area let me know.

I was thinking we could have weekly meetings at Pandemonium or somewhere else depending… but finding a location shouldn’t be too difficult.

If anyone is interested let me know and I’ll set up a meeting place.

Hi all.

Hi all.

Hi all. hoping to start a small Boston face to face group for an ongoing pbta game. I was thinking Monsterhearts or Masks or Urban Shadows or Monster of the week would be fun but I’m open to running others if everyone else wants it.

If anyone is interested and lives in the Boston area let me know.

I was thinking we could have weekly meetings at Pandemonium or somewhere else depending… but finding a location shouldn’t be too difficult.

If anyone is interested let me know and I’ll set up a meeting place.

Masks question…

Masks question…

Masks question…

I’m the nova in a game and I’m not sure if Burn/charging up takes TIME as a move or not? Like it doesn’t make sense if I’m using moat and then I run out of burn to have to stop the moat and do a powerup and take time meanwhile the barrier goes down… so someone help? Like if it’s the first thing in the scene and someone is falling out of the sky can I go to roll burn and FOLLOW UP with an actual action or no? Like it makes no sense for me to be able to roll burn and but not be able to actually do a thing immediately after that to spend that burn until my next turn..

Can someone help me with what the official ruling is on this?



So I started gming a play by post game. And it’s going pretty well so far. If anyone is interested in following it it updates daily and there is plenty of hot PC and NPC gossip fodder. Start with the wiki’s for character introductions.

For our PCs have

Russell the hapless, confused Angel

Robin the Mortal, a sweetie who has a crush on that new kid Russell

Jaylen the Infernal who loves his mama, no not that mama, his parents who ignore him, but the other one, the one who truly loves him.

Willow the Serpentine, a vicious snake who loves toying with and destroying people.

Holly the Hollow, who may be an actual cinnamon roll, we have yet to confirm.


Here are the role play threads, start going from the oldest to the more recently updated)




So…. I would appreciate if people could weigh in on a question for me. An MC just told me that I couldn’t roll any basic moves on my Dark power. And could only interact with it via the bargains….. this is something that I find is most definitely not supported by the book and rules as written and goes antithesis to pbta. I understand if I was trying to stab the dark power and it was incorporeal and couldn’t be stabbed then that would be narratively valid, or my RP comment wasn’t strong enough to warrant a roll to manipulate, or shut down, or turn on in that particular instance……but to say point blank that NO BASIC MOVES apply to them at all doesn’t fly with me. But I’d like to get other people’s take on this.

Newest AP of my Monsterhearts game

Newest AP of my Monsterhearts game

Newest AP of my Monsterhearts game

Originally shared by Donogh McCarthy

Another session of our Monsterhearts game. I don’t even know where to start for my Infernal: parental issues, being in her dark self for the entire session, at least not all the other PCs are after her!

Victor, the ghoul is too busy screwing/murdering his teachers!

Madison, the witch deploying gicky hexes

Aster, the Fae trying to be reasonable (like that’s going to last!)

David Jay, J.D. Lichauco, Jørund Kambestad Lie, Yoshi Creelman

P.S. not sure if we’re organising this on the Gauntlet anymore, so let me know if you still want to see these posts here

This is the newest AP written up of of the MH game from last sat.

This is the newest AP written up of of the MH game from last sat.

This is the newest AP written up of of the MH game from last sat. I’m running by the player of Chloe the Infernal if anyone wants to read it. We had another great session today and I can’t wait for next one in three weeks!

Originally shared by Donogh McCarthy

Another great session of Monsterhearts!

We almost acted like a regular party of PCs at the start of this, banding together to work like a team.

That lasted at least 5 seconds after the rescue and then the fault-lines erupted again, worse than ever.

Chloe, my Infernal gets called ‘sweet’ by just about everyone on her inevitable way to rock bottom!

J.D. Lichauco with Yoshi Creelman and Jørund Kambestad Lie