I’ve worked a bit more on my PbtA game. I’d love if anyone would take a look at it, or even playtest it it.

I’ve worked a bit more on my PbtA game. I’d love if anyone would take a look at it, or even playtest it it.

I’ve worked a bit more on my PbtA game. I’d love if anyone would take a look at it, or even playtest it it.

It’s about ideology driven revolutionaries during the height of the French Revolution. I call it, The Revolution eats its children.


Hi, everyone.

Hi, everyone.

Hi, everyone. All though I’ve played a little PbtA, my knowledge of the games using it isn’t that good, so I have a few questions.

I listened to a podcast of Monsterhearts. There seemed to be this framing device where the PCs are in a homeroom class at the start of the session.

Does other PbtA games have this device? Is it purely for idea generation or does it have mechanical differences during play, in Monsterhearts or otherwise?