Ok, now that I’ve come with the Barrio stat for my #NahualRPG, I started working on moves to use with that stat. Streetwise related moves. And I usually work Spanish first, then translate from there.

So I came up with this move, I’m calling “Duelo de albures” and well, I don’t even know how to explain it in English! But let me try: albures are a kind of verbal fight where your objective is to humiliate your opponent with sexual talk, mostly saying that you’ll fuck them, BUT you can’t use direct sexual expressions, it has to be always with wordplay and hidden sense.

So… I’m asking myself, is this move really necessary? It’s heavily Mexican, and I’m sure Mexican (and maybe some Latino) players will have a good laugh with it. Also the move will serve as a stress release mechanic, so there is that. But I think the move is only possible during leisure moments on the fiction, with an audience around (since the main intention is to humiliate in front of others), so a Cantina is a most likely scenario for this move.

Now all that say, I don’t even know how to translate the move to English, because I wrote the 10+/7-9/6- results themselves in albur style! Perhaps I should just do a plain translation and go with it, or maybe leave that move only for the Spanish edition, but I really don’t want to open that door!

I would love your opinion in this one.

#imhopeless #LatinoxCreates