I have a third draft of my Thrillseeker playbook(a hunter who is in it for the fun and adrenaline rush) .

I have a third draft of my Thrillseeker playbook(a hunter who is in it for the fun and adrenaline rush) .

I have a third draft of my Thrillseeker playbook(a hunter who is in it for the fun and adrenaline rush) .

I had a chance to playtest it a little allready and got some great input in this community and from some friends outside of it. I feel like it is getting better and more refined.

I am not a native speaker and maybe not the master of phrasing moves yet. So if you have any suggestions about that, they are very welcome.

As well as everything else you might want to add or every feedback you can give.


I did a first round of modifications to my Thrillseeker playbook and have a second draft up now.

I did a first round of modifications to my Thrillseeker playbook and have a second draft up now.

I did a first round of modifications to my Thrillseeker playbook and have a second draft up now.

Thanks to David Reichgeld and Felix Girke especially for their input and comments.

I am happy with any feedback. So please take a look and leave a comment if you want.

Not 100% sure about the stat blocks and advancements yet.

Of course the moves are not perfect yet either. But I think I have a core of ideas for each move that can be interpreted and worked with in a different way.


After getting the book last weekend and spending the week reading and thinking about MOTW I started to build a…

After getting the book last weekend and spending the week reading and thinking about MOTW I started to build a…

After getting the book last weekend and spending the week reading and thinking about MOTW I started to build a playbook for a niche that still seemed open to me.

The Thrillseeker. A hunter who goes after monsters for fun and the thrill of the hunt. So kind of an adrenaline junkie and hedonist. Not very responsible necessarily but very good at getting attention.

I tried to build the playbook in a way that rewards taking risks and emphasizes the Thrillseekers “hobbyist” perspective by making a few things about pure luck.

The Ashwood Abbey from Hunter: The Vigil was one of my inspirations but I am sure there are more of these guys in horror fiction.

I would be glad if you could take a look at my first draft and any feedback you are willing to give.