I’m most looking for here is playtesters.

I’m most looking for here is playtesters.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

I’m most looking for here is playtesters.

The projects aims at recreating stuff like Sword Art Online, Tron or Log Horizon…stories where people get stuck in a virtual world or an alternate universe that looks similar to a particular game.

While I did not create rules for it, stories switching between virtual and physical worlds are a plan down the line if the project garners enough interest.

Rules are included for Fate Core, GUMSHOE and Powered by the Apocalypse.

SRDs would be necessary to play these rules and this is aimed at people already familiar with the systems. (PbtA doesn’t have an SRD as such, but if you have no experience with it, I suggest starting with Monster of the Week or Spirit of 77 in relation to this packet as that was what I took a lot of the basic design ideas from.)

Note, I have a fair amount of experience playing, running and designing with Fate. I have some experience with PbtA and I have little experience with GUMSHOE, so I will probably have made the most system errors with that third set of rules. Suggestions for all three are appreciated.



I’m most looking for here is playtesters.

I’m most looking for here is playtesters.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

I’m most looking for here is playtesters.

The projects aims at recreating stuff like Sword Art Online, Tron or Log Horizon…stories where people get stuck in a virtual world or an alternate universe that looks similar to a particular game.

While I did not create rules for it, stories switching between virtual and physical worlds are a plan down the line if the project garners enough interest.

Rules are included for Fate Core, GUMSHOE and Powered by the Apocalypse.

SRDs would be necessary to play these rules and this is aimed at people already familiar with the systems. (PbtA doesn’t have an SRD as such, but if you have no experience with it, I suggest starting with Monster of the Week or Spirit of 77 in relation to this packet as that was what I took a lot of the basic design ideas from.)

Note, I have a fair amount of experience playing, running and designing with Fate. I have some experience with PbtA and I have little experience with GUMSHOE, so I will probably have made the most system errors with that third set of rules. Suggestions for all three are appreciated.



I’ve got a “trapped in the game” hack ready for playtesting (Fate Core and GUMSHOE rules also included) but I’m…

I’ve got a “trapped in the game” hack ready for playtesting (Fate Core and GUMSHOE rules also included) but I’m…

I’ve got a “trapped in the game” hack ready for playtesting (Fate Core and GUMSHOE rules also included) but I’m trying to figure out the licensing legalese I need to add before releasing the playtest packet on drivethru.

Is there a place for getting the license?

new poll on my last, fourth slot for October’s Virtuacon 2015

new poll on my last, fourth slot for October’s Virtuacon 2015

new poll on my last, fourth slot for October’s Virtuacon 2015

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

So currently the confirmed choices are:

Divine Blood Accelerated (DB setting, FAE adapted): Don’t Let the Sun Go Down

Monster of the Week: Tournament of Fate

A Loss of Life: GUMSHOE

So now what for the fourth slot?

Divine Blood – A Day at the Fair

Brief: Comedic slice of life scenario from last year’s Virtuacon dealing with smarmy reporters, high school competitions and supernatural puberty issues.

Divine Blood – Occult Investigation scenario

Brief: Mid power level investigations in to occult occurrences within the world. Most likely dealing with Psyche freelancers.

Divine Blood – Military scenario

Brief: Upright pilots, spec-ops or other military types have a battle have a mission to run in the war-torn areas of Eastern Europe.

Just a Game – Fate Core Version

Brief: Trapped in an MMO game type settings, similar to Sword Art Online, Log Horizon or Tron.

Just a Game – Powered by Apocalypse Version

Brief: Trapped in an MMO game type settings, similar to Sword Art Online, Log Horizon or Tron.

I have a book in mind for covering stories along the lines of Sword Art Online, Log Horizon, Tron, Dungeons and…

I have a book in mind for covering stories along the lines of Sword Art Online, Log Horizon, Tron, Dungeons and…

I have a book in mind for covering stories along the lines of Sword Art Online, Log Horizon, Tron, Dungeons and Dragons cartoon and other “trapped in the game” style things.

I’ve got some basic rules and suggestions for running such a game using Fate Core, Powered by the Apocalypse and GUMSHOE. This includes some basic discussion of the different variations of the theme that exist and some character creation rules.

At the moment, I’m also gearing up to try and playtest a Fate-Core rendition of my Divine Blood game with my normal playtesters. Which makes it a bit difficult for me to find time to set up playtests of this other concept since I’m a one-person set-up and have a full time job otherwise.

I’m considering putting up a playtest packet, and announcing it as such, for Pay-What-You-Want on drivethru and giving a link to it to the various gamer communities I’m part of.  At the moment, I’m waiting on a single piece of art I commissioned to be finished.

The playtest packet would be upfront saying its not yet a full game and would require other books to play it (Fate Core, GUMSHOE and I’m going to suggest Monster of the Week).  I also plan on including a questionnaire format in the back for people to send me feedback.

Does this sound like a good idea? 

On the one hand, I’ve got more mechanics and mood/setting suggestions than some complete games I’ve seen for sale.  On the other hand, I’ve never seen anybody put up a playtest thing before so I’m uncertain how this would go.

Going to post this on a couple of communities.

So I have the ultimatum.

So I have the ultimatum.

So I have the ultimatum. My brother’s Shadowrun game is set to come to reach a chapter end in 6 weeks to 2 months. So time to get the campaign prepared.

My current thought is that the evil Shintoist who is the Ainu Exile’s nemesis is experimenting with let lines, time travel and dengue shui in order to rewrite reality to serve his desires. His experimentations have resulted in destabilizing the borders between worlds causing occasional fluctuations in dimensional boundaries. So far they’ve been minor but as the crux of his manipulations have started to come together they’ve been getting more serious. These fluctuations have been going on across the period of time that the Shintoist is experimenting with and been utilized by other occultist a for various reasons for thousands of years.

The Chosen character was conceived and born during such minor fluctuations. Basically making him something of a potential lynchpin of reality.

In addition, sometimes the borders between realms vanishes and congeals into a chaotic whole eventually spawning an entity that seeks to absorb all realities into itself. Sort of a antithesis of the Chosen

The Chosen “can save the world” because he is the entity’s weakness in a sense. However. He “can’t save everybody” because those parts of the worlds that were absorbed can be recovered with effort but if that happens they will always carry the seed of the entity’s return. But truly destroying the entity will mean all those recovered people, places and things are lost. (Unless that tag of his fate changes)

I think the first adventure is going to deal with stirges appearing in an abandoned Canadian mining town that someone is trying to reopen.

Okay, this should get this project advanced enough that I can get back to my Bystander novel and Divine Blood shorts…

Okay, this should get this project advanced enough that I can get back to my Bystander novel and Divine Blood shorts…

Okay, this should get this project advanced enough that I can get back to my Bystander novel and Divine Blood shorts and RPG.

This is the really raw and unplaytested playbooks and basic rules for the “trapped in an MMO” style story.

If anybody is interested in commenting or, even better, playtesting it with some of their friends, that would be great. I have other projects I need to advance first. But did want to share this.

Tell me if you can’t open the individual files…I haven’t done dropbox this way before.



Well, my brother wasn’t ready to run his Shadowrun campaign tonight so we decided to do prep-work for a MotW…

Well, my brother wasn’t ready to run his Shadowrun campaign tonight so we decided to do prep-work for a MotW…

Well, my brother wasn’t ready to run his Shadowrun campaign tonight so we decided to do prep-work for a MotW campaign I’ll run after his present storyline in SR finishes.

The players decided they wanted something X-Com-ish though neither player ended up pulling the Professional for now.  So we decided to build the organization (after finishing the character) collectively as if there were an unstated Professional.


The Chosen is Thomas Riley, Trained from Birth with Secret Training. He can Save The World. Unfortunately, he his doomed to have no normal life and he can’t save everyone.

Thomas Riley is a 13 year old boy with a hopeful face and para-military clothes.

He took a cold-iron chain sword, (3-Harm, Hand, Area, Magic) weapon.

His chosen third move was Devastating (making that chain sword a 4-harm weapon)

His stats are Charm +2, Cool -1, Sharp +0, Tough +2, Weird +0 (he wanted a Sharp of 0, so I let him drop the Sharp +1 to 0 and raise either Cool or Weird)

The Exile is destined to be his mentor.


The Exile is Katkemat, an ainu spiritualist from the 1200s during the time when the Japanese were invading Japan and making war on the indigenous people. Her nemesis is a shintoist monk named Kurata Hikozaemon. She realized he sent himself forward in time and so cast a spell to follow him.

Katkemat is a woman in her mid-twenties with a lithe body, old-fashioned clothing and beaded necklaces.

She practices martial arts (unarmed attacks do 1 harm).

Her moves are Ancient Magics and Confused. (My brother has stated he plans to give her Immortal Name later, explaining that she was developing a reputation just before she left that time has magnified and she herself just isn’t aware of the reputation and doesn’t think of the other title she was gaining as important enough to mention.)

Her stats are Charm -1, Cool +1, Sharp +1, Tough +1, Weird +2.

She had a vision that involved the Chosen in which it was revealed that she would be his mentor.


As for the organization, we went with the name M-Com and left it vague what “M” stood for.

The organization has been training Thomas from birth so it has developed a Rigorous Training regime based around teaching a supernaturally gifted warrior that has produced benefits for their other agents. The organization also has Good Intel.

Unfortunately, they assign Cryptic Missions, because they’re unwilling to let anybody, even agents have all their intel. And there is also Inter-departmental Rivalry.

The organization has both sorcerers and scientists.  The sorcerers believe that the prophecies are divinely inspired and a statement of destiny while the scientists believe that the prophecies are likely an account left by a time-traveler who had seen one possible future and that the future is mutable.


As I said above, we aren’t going to be playing this until after my brother’s completed his current SR, but that gives me some time to decide on the first Cryptic Mission to give them.

On the Spooky’s “Hex” move.

On the Spooky’s “Hex” move.

On the Spooky’s “Hex” move.

Are those three additional options that use magic can give you


Are they something that gets added on top of the us magic move?

The difference is:

A) I cast a spell to cause them to break something important.

B) I cast a spell to do 1 Harm and, since I have Hex, they also get a disease.