Is there any restriction on two players having the same gimmick?

Is there any restriction on two players having the same gimmick?

Is there any restriction on two players having the same gimmick? I’m adding player number 7 to my game tomorrow, and I want him to have the full range of options. I figure if players double up on a gimmick, they should at least look for another way to differentiate themselves.

Live From Miami Florida…

Live From Miami Florida…

Live From Miami Florida…


Part I:

We played the second session of our wrestling franchise last night.  Doc (The Prince) and Brendan (El Presidente) were out for the night, but we also had a new player, Amelia, giving us a nice four players.

Amelia chose the Wasted, and created Sharknado.  Originally he was the Shark, a Face, but retired, and has come back as a Heel.  His ex-girlfriend Miami Annabelle is the current Freestyle Wrestling Champion.

We had the revised Gimmick sheets Nathan used at origins, so everyone copied their stats over.  This week, nobody needed to change any moves.  Shari checked off an Injury box for Nikki.

I gave everyone the option to ask their new 4th Heat question, or save it for next week when everyone was here.  We established that Nikki was once injured by Sharknado, Sharknado has gotten beat up backstage by Bright Twilight, and Sharknado is afraid of Gryla.

We started with a backstage segment of Johnny Saturn introducing Bright Twilight to her new manager, Mindy Perkins, as the result of  her totally failed Break Kayfabe move last session.  Mindy cheerfully chewed out Twilight for a while, and reminded her that she needs to lose when told to, which is going to happen a lot from now on.

We then went to a talk show style interview between Johnny Saturn and Nikki, where she unveiled her new look, as Nikki the Tricky, a magician themed wrestler, ending with her saying “Live from Miami Florida, it’s World Wide Wrestling!” in a cheesy rip off of SNL.

(That was preplanned- I told her ahead of time, whenever you’re ready for the interview to end, say this line.)

Our first match was Nikki the Tricky vs. the Dark Diva, for Nikki to show off her new moves and style.  We were all much more comfortable with the wrestling narration this time around, willing to try things, make up moves, and the announcer players got into it more.  As a whole, this session seemed to run much smoother.  Nikki tossed glitter into Dark Diva’s eyes, and when she was blinded, went in for the body slam.  Shari had an easy time narrating flashy moves to play off her Looks score.

Next we had a pretaped promo re-introducing Sharknado, which I had Amelia narrate.  She cut a promo and added a stipulation to her next match- it would be in two feet of water!

So we had the SURF VS TURF SHOWDOWN, with Sharknado and Rock Lobster against Gryla and Bright Twilight.  WWW fans will know that being in a tag-team with Rock Lobster is the kiss of death, whereas the Gryla/Bright Twilight tag team is highly celebrated.

We had a lot of fun narrating splashes and other water effects- even if a stipulation doesn’t have any custom moves, the possibilities for narration and mixing up the visuals are very fun.  We started with Gryla throwing Twilight into the ring with a splash, and her facing off against Sharknado.   Once Twilight tagged Gryla in, things started to go bad for Sharknado- he wanted to tag in Rock Lobster to take the beating, but couldn’t reach him!  Gryla picked up and threw Sharknado, specifically aiming for the corner of the ring Rock Lobster was nearby.  Based on his narration, I gave Sharknado a free tag to get Rock Lobster in the match.

Rock Lobster took a beating from Gryla, climbed up on his back- and then Gryla jumped and did a backwards body slam on the Lobster!  The Lobster was able to tag in Sharknado, who decided it was time to use his Heel move and do a chair slam, but with a Surfboard.

Like last time, I had Amelia pay 1 momentum per opponent to win the match (I don’t want someone cheaply winning a Regal Wrangle with the Heel move).  She rolled to Break Kayfabe, since Gryla and Twilight were booked to win, and got a 7-9 result.  Sharknado didn’t put his job on the line, but further pissed off Johnny Saturn and will soon be looking at a penalty match.  Gryla also went up to 4 heat with Sharknado and went up to 4 audience as well!

Amelia then had to leave because of cat allergies.  The penalty match will have to wait until next week.

My next match had Sharknado booked to win against Nikki, so instead I booked Nikki to win against Bright Twilight.  Nikki was given an opportunity to cut promo and champion the cause of good clean wrestling, but chose not to talk trash against Bright Twilight, saying she agrees with her motives but not her actions.  (I should have asked her if she wanted to use her Face move!  Whoops!)

This one had a lot of control changes on 7-9 results, with the players passing control of the match back and forth, making for a really exciting conversation.  I don’t remember any other specifics of the match.

We had a backstage vignette of Draco and Dark Diva discussing their plans to capture and magically enslave Gryla.

Next we had a CHAIN MATCH between Gryla and Draco, the objective to wrap the opponent up in a chain and pin them.  Draco started to wrap up Gryla, but was thrown bodily out of the ring into the front rows.  It doesn’t look like he’ll be able to recover.  What’s this… DARK DIVA IS ENTERING THE RING… WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?

Dark Diva gets Gryla wrapped up in chains, but soon he wraps her as well and pins her.  Their devious plot is foiled… for now.

Finally we had a FREE FOR ALL TITLE QUALIFIER MATCH- the winner will get to go on to face Miami Annabelle next week in a Championship Match!  We featured our talent, plus Kombat King, Draco, and Dark Diva.  We started with Bright Twilight and Kombat King in the ring, and soon Kombat King was out, and lots more talent were in.

Tim may have found an exploit- he botched his Finisher against one of the Draco, losing an audience… but at the end of the match he gained one, putting him back at 4 audience for another advance.

Tim then narrated the three ladies teaming up to take him down.  I decided no roll needed, he did it, he was out!

Bright Twilight and Nikki the Tricky teamed up to take out Dark Diva, leading out two leading ladies left standing.  After a few exchanges, I revealed that Nikki was booked to win… and she botched her finisher as well!  Looking over her options, she decided that with her injury, she’d be unable to do a flashy finisher move, so management would have to call an audible and give the win to Bright Twilight.  With much gnashing of teeth, Bright Twilight got the win and will go on to face Miami Annabelle.  Johnny Saturn made it clear that on no account is she to win that match… but will Bright Twilight play by those rules, or her own?

Our group has decided that we’d like to watch a wrestling clip before each session to help us get in the mood.  Any…

Our group has decided that we’d like to watch a wrestling clip before each session to help us get in the mood.  Any…

Our group has decided that we’d like to watch a wrestling clip before each session to help us get in the mood.  Any suggestions on short (preferably 3-5 minutes) but awesome wrestling clips?

I forgot to mention this on my AP thread, but we used poker chips to keep track of momentum, and it worked…

I forgot to mention this on my AP thread, but we used poker chips to keep track of momentum, and it worked…

I forgot to mention this on my AP thread, but we used poker chips to keep track of momentum, and it worked wonderfully.  You can move them around, give them to different people, and don’t have to erase and rewrite frequently on your character sheet.

From the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin… WORLD WIDE WRESTLING!

From the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin… WORLD WIDE WRESTLING!

From the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin… WORLD WIDE WRESTLING!

Last night we sat down to playtest Nathan Paoletta’s WWW. It was me and five players: Shari, Tim, Doc, Brendan, and Rebecca.

Doc was probably the most familiar with wrestling, and he brought a lot of enthusiasm and knowledge to the game. Tim, Shari, and Brendan had some basic familiarity. I have pretty much the bare minimum cultural awareness. Rebecca was pretty much lost, and also had never played an AW game before.

I explained the basics, then we picked characters.

Shari played Nick the Stick, the Golden Boy, with charming good looks and a baseball theme.

(She floated the idea of playing the Ring Babe, but I’m not sure if she was joking or not. I’ll have to ask her if she was serious. Maybe the Manager fills that role, or maybe that will be a custom gimmick that she and I write…)

Tim played Gryla, the Monster, a 7’6” tower of meat from Iceland who carries his trademark boulder into the ring.

Rebecca, a woman after my own heart, played Bright Twilight the Anti-Hero, with a purple mohawk and a neon outfit. Her schtick is that she’s small, but nimble and skilled, and one of the few women wrestlers to be able to compete with the guys.

Brendan played El Presidente, the Veteran, our only heel. El Presidente has been heeling it up for decades, acting as a stand-in for Castro.

Doc played The Prince (of Mexico), the High-Flyer, and natural kayfabe rival to El Presidente.

Pretty much everyone wished there were some sample lists, for real names, wrestler names, and looks.

Some notes on Starting Moves:

Nick took +1 work, I am the Future, Always Learning, and for his advance took +1 Work.

Gryla took +1 work, Not of this World (Lucky Boulder), and for his advance took +1 Real. Tim had trouble coming up with a unique stipulation since there’s only one example, and I think pretty much took the hardcore one by default. I’m going to work with him to see if we can make up a custom one.

Bright Twilight took +1 Work, Anything You Need to Do to Win, and Twitch the Curtain.

El Presidente took +1 Power and Put Over, and for his advance took +1 Real

The Prince took +1 Work, Respected and Human Highlight Reel, and for his advance took Put Over from the Veteran playbook.

Our starting heat had us a little confused- I didn’t realize that the Monster and Veteran both start everyone at 1 heat instead of 0.

As it happened, almost everyone had a question that nobody else was willing to answer, so I stepped up and created a NTC to fill that void.

Nick the Stick has been taken under the wing of the Prince- they’re now frequent Tag Team partners. El Presidente is jealous of Nick the Stick’s rapid rise. The Stick originally debuted with Rock Lobster, a guy in a padded lobster suit.

Gryla was rescued from his underground prison by The Prince in one of his international journeys. Bright Twilight made him look weak when she debuted. The Stick is willing to stand up to Gryla in the ring.

Bright Twilight had to kick the shit out of El Presidente before anyone would take her seriously as a wrestler. She has a reluctant alliance with Gryla- their tag team theme is ‘big and little.’ Nobody wanted to be seen as a slave to management, so I created the Dark Diva.

El Presidente had to step over Johnny Saturn, 80s and 90s wrestler turned current owner of WWW, to get where he is today. The Prince is his protege. He feels that Nick the Stick is undercutting him.

The Prince feels that Nick the Stick always has his back. El Presidente mentored him when he first started. NTC Kombat King is ripping off his style.

Our first match of the night was a tag team Gryla and Bright Twilight vs. The Dark Diva and NTC Draco. The Faces were booked to win. We started with Twilight thrown into the ring by Gryla (a nice idea on Rebecca’s part) vs. the Dark Diva. I wanted to start by giving Rebecca some spotlight, but I think she felt put on the spot. She fumbled a bit, but found the wrestling chart handy- “okay, I want to put her in a figure four.”

As creative, I felt like I didn’t want to call the match until everyone had a chance to fight. Rebecca kept on retaining control, and didn’t want to tag out. Eventually I said something OOC, and Gryla got a chance to fight.

Shari was the Announcer, and we used the suggested Announcer revision, where she can upgrade one roll and then hand the mic off. She added a lot of fun color to the game, and upgraded one of Rebeccas rolls. Over the session we had some confusion over what moves the announcer should and should not be able to upgrade- can they upgrade the Golden Boy’s Always Learning, for example?

As creative, this fight really felt like it dragged. I’ll talk more about that later.

Interviewers stuck mics in Twilight and Grylas faces afterwards, offering them Promo opportunities, but neither of them really took the bait. Twilight said she was going to go get dinner.

Next up we had a tagteam match of Nick the Stick and the Prince vs. El Presidente and Kombat King. I think Tim started with the mic here, and he was much less passionate about being the announcer than Shari. When it got handed off to Rebecca, I think she had some fun, but trouble with it.

Nick the Stick made an entrance, swinging his bat and blowing kisses to the ladies- I had him roll to Work the Audience. Then El Presidente and Kombat King made one hell of an entrance riding in El Presidente’s motorcycle, and driving around the ring a few times, and then El Presidente went for some Cheap Heat by condescendingly talking to the “little people” in the audience.

This match had some better back and forth, with the partners tagging out. Highlight was Nick the Stick being beaten with bats by El Presidente and Kombat King, the ref breaking it up, and then the two of them taking out the Prince for the win while the ref wasn’t looking.

After that, Nick the Stick gave an ultimatum to El Presidente “If you ever take my bat again, I’ll break you in half” (he thought about using his I am the Future move, but decided to Cut Promo instead.) Creative booked the two of them in a Bat Match. El Presidente had Nick’s old wodden baseball bat, and Nick had a shiny aluminum one. I had Nick the Stick booked to win, since he’s management’s favorite.

This match was probably the high point of the night for me- it had the most reversals, and came about through play.

Doc was the announcer for most of this match and was just great. One announcer would give great commentary, and then in another voice, he would say something like, “that’s right Bob, when you take a bat to the face, it hurts.”)

Nick started with control, but botched his Hardcore move, playing it way too safe and giving El Presidente control. El Presidente pressed his advantage, but stopped to admire the aluminum bat, turning his back to the Stick and dropping the trusty wooden bat just in his reach. He framed this as a Put Over move.

Nick got the bat and went in to take control of the match, doing a cute maneuver where he tapped El Presidente on the shoulder and then ‘hit’ him with the bat. This one, and most of the other bat-based moves were rolled with Looks. While El Presidente was down, he started throwing baseballs to the crowd, but botched the Work the Audience roll, and went down to zero audience! They weren’t buying it, they came to see wrestling!

The Presidente got Nick in another great hold, and then Creative called an audible- they were reversing the booking, and clearing El Presidente to go for the pin! El Presidente pinned Nick the Stick with a literal heel to the face- but as his finisher choice he had Nick the Stick gain the point of audience.

We had an off camera scene where Johnny Saturn chewed out Nick the Stick. It turns out that despite being a Kayfabe Face, he’s more of a legit heel.

Around this time, Shari decided to retcon Nick the Stick as Nicole the Stick, another female wrestler, since she was having some cognitive dissonance.

Last, we had the big event, a Last Man Standing event, featuring all the Talent and the Rock Lobster. Nikki the Stick started in the ring against Rock Lobster, and her luck turned around- she had a rapid string of 10+s, which she used to bounce Rock Lobster around the ring (good thing he has that padded suit!), and determine who was entering the ring next, building up her heat.

When Gryla entered the ring, he threw his Lucky Boulder at Nikki the Stick, and got a 7-9 on the hardcore move. Nikki was legit injured! She still managed to get a finishing opportunity and pin the Rock Lobster with Gryla’s boulder. Shari said she wasn’t actually strong enough to lift the boulder, so Rock Lobster actually had to lift it to pin himself, and didn’t sell it. (I think this was the result of Doc getting a 7-9 and opening up an opportunity for someone else to get a pin.) Nikki then also pinned the Prince.

By this point, the Ref had noticed that Nikki was legit injured, and got in the ring and made the X sign. Nikki wanted to lose to Bright Twilight, and I was going to give her a chance (though I wasn’t sure what to make her roll if she did)- but she said “No, I have to stand up for what I believe in, and that means leaving the ring.” She hadn’t even read the Face move, so I pointed her to that, and she spent her last momentum to get some Heat with Twilight.

It was now down to Gryla, El Presidente, and Bright Twilight. I gave Twilight control of the match. She went for a trip against Gryla, and got a 10+.

I told her- Gryla’s booked to win. Do you still want to go for the finisher and mess with the booking?

She said screw it, I Do Whatever It Takes to Win. She used 2 momentum and the Heel move to take out both Gryla AND El Preisdente in one tumble. (I ruled on the spot it was 1 momentum/opponent to take them out) Rebecca had some trouble figuring out a sufficiently underhanded tactic- I told her overriding my booking wasn’t underhanded enough, she had to describe her dirty fighting. She ended up deciding on doing a reversal on Gryla when he thought he was going in for his finisher on her.

During all of this, the Mic was just sitting there. I wanted to add additional announcer narration. Is it okay for me to do that? I know I can’t put people over, but I feel maybe the narration privilege should pass to Creative.

She rolled to Break Kayfabe, and botch. Johnny Saturn is going to be PISSED, but I haven’t decided yet what the exact fallout is going to be.

A question that came up is when exactly you get +1 Audience for facing a wrestler you have 4 heat with. I ruled it all happened simultaneously at the end of the match, and it was just 1, no matter how many wrestlers you had 4 heat with. But maybe it should have been immediately when you face off against them, and it can happen any number of times in a big match?

Order of operations matters, especially when people are at 3 and 4 audience.

Everyone seemed to have a really good time, and there were some really good high points. I felt like most of the wrestling was repetitive though, and that control of the match should shift more often. The few times I had control with an NTC, I felt like I played it pretty weak. (Draco is doing a surpise kick against you, what do you do?) Next time I’ll spell out the action, include a reversal, and give back control.

I have lots of great ideas for ongoing storylines and beefs, so I think the next session is going to be a lot stronger!

A few questions:

A few questions:

A few questions:

*Advancing whenever you hit +4 audience:

It seems like two characters could potentially very quickly cycle between +3/+4 audience and get lots of advances.  Is there a limit to how often you can get advances?  Am I worrying over nothing?

*Champion’s Advantage

Is this a real thing in wrestling?  It seems strange to me that you can lose the championship match, but somehow not lose the championship title.

*Actual Wrestling

Narratively, how does one win a wrestling match?

I’m going to be starting a game of WWW pretty darn soon.  Just want to say that I’m pretty excited, and thanks to…

I’m going to be starting a game of WWW pretty darn soon.  Just want to say that I’m pretty excited, and thanks to…

I’m going to be starting a game of WWW pretty darn soon.  Just want to say that I’m pretty excited, and thanks to NDP for making this game.





Assign the following to your stats, in any order: +1, +1, 0, -1


Based on your Jurisdiction. See below.


Choose one:

Idealist: You took this job to make a difference. Once per session, gain 1 xp when you take action based on high minded ideals on the way things should be, rather than the way they are.

Nervous: This job was expected of you, and you’re not sure you’re up to the task. Once per session, gain 1 xp when your failure to take action results in failure.

Upstart: You’ll show them that you’ve got what it takes! Once per session, gain 1 xp when you rush into a dangerous situation before you have a plan or all the facts.


You are another player’s rookie partner. Choose a playbook that another player is using; you get the Jurisdictional moves for that playbook, and your Lifestyle is the same as that playbook.

You suffer -1 to your rolls when using a Jurisdictional move from that playbook.

Additionally, you get this Jurisdictional move:

On the Job Training:

Your first six advances, rather than just your first two, each require only 5 xp instead of 10 xp.

Starting Moves

Pick one move from your other Playbook, and one from the following list. You may not start with moves from your other Playbook that increase your stats, but may gain them during play.

Rookie Moves

Beginner’s Luck

When you roll an 11 or 12 on the dice, before any modifiers, you action is extra successful. The GM will give you a better option, a fringe benefit, or increased potency.

Getting the Hang of This

You no longer take -1 to using your Jurisdictional moves.

Helping Hand

When you try to help someone who’s rolling, roll +Savvy. On a 7-9, add +1 to their roll. On a 10+, add +2. On any result, you expose yourself to any consequences of their action, and on a fail, your failure effects them too, somehow.

Rising Star

At the end of each Case, choose an additional character who helped you with that case. You gain +1 History with them, and they gain +1 History with you.


Gain +1 to any stat (Maximum +2)


Gain two Personal contacts, one of whom is directly connected to this line of work, two Civilian contacts, and a Professional contact related to your career field.






+2 Grit. Assign the following numbers to your Cool, Moxie, and Savvy: -1, 0, +1.


Your Lifestyle is Working Stiff; the Department pays for subsidized housing. You earn a surplus of 1 Payola per month.


Choose one.

Dirty: The force isn’t about honor or duty; it’s about those with power looking after their own. Once per session, gain 1 xp when you violate the law for your own personal gain.

Your starting lifestyle is Making It and you gain an extra Criminal contact.

Driven: You’ve seen the bad guys get away too many times when cops play it by the book; you make your own rules, and to hell with the brass. Once per session, gain 1 xp when you break protocol or disobey orders to pursue a case.

Gain an extra Personal contact.

Honest: You took an oath when you got your badge, and you take that oath seriously. If those who enforce the law act above it, then where are we? Once per session, gain 1 xp when you take the legal route when the illegal one is faster, easier, or more convenient.


Choose one:

Patrol: Purview: Minor Crimes, First Responder.

Bonus Contact: Late Night Restauranteur (Street)

Special: After your first successful case, you are promoted to another department. Congratulations, Detective.

Drug Task Force: Purview: Drug Trade, Drug Related Crimes

Bonus Contact: DEA Agent (Professional)

Gang Task Force: Purview: Gang Activity, Gang Murders

Bonus Contact: Civilian Informant (Street)

Homicide Unit: Purview: Murder, Questionable Deaths

Bonus Contact: Medical Examiner (Professional)

Property Crimes Unit: Purview: Arson, Burglary

Bonus Contact: Fire Marshall (Professional)


Your Jurisdiction covers crimes in your department in a single city. Your Jurisdiction does not cover Extrajurisdictional Corporate Zones, rural areas, or crimes outside the purview of your assignment.

You get the following Jurisdiction moves:

Get a Warrant

When you petition the court for a warrant, count the pieces of evidence you have. (Evidence must be physical items or recorded testimony, and must have been legally obtained.) Roll pieces of evidence -2.

On a hit, you get a warrant. On a 7-9, pick 1. On a 10+, pick 3.

*You can get it within the hour. (Otherwise, it may take up to a week.)

*It covers crimes or an area outside your normal Jurisdiction.

*It covers an ongoing length of time. (Otherwise, it lasts 24 hours.)

*It covers a broad range of surveillance activity.

*You have Raid Authorization.

On a miss, you have drawn extra scrutiny to your case. The judge may invalidate one or more pieces of evidence. You can try to get another Warrant when you have more evidence.

Call for Backup

When you call for backup, roll based on the severity of the current situation.

You have a Warrant OR Crime in Progress OR Suspect Spotted: +1

Civilian Down OR Shots Fired: +2

Officer Down: +3

On a 7-9, backup arrives. On a 10+, choose one:

*Backup arrives almost immediately.

*Backup is loaded for bear.

*Backup contains a specialist or specialized equipment that you request.

If you have Raid Authorization from a Warrant, you do not need to roll for your initial backup- choose one from the 10+ list. It takes 1d6 hours to put together a Raid team.

Cop Moves

Additionally, pick 2 of the following moves:

Die Hard: Whenever you take harm, take 1 fewer harm. If this would reduce the harm below 1, you still take the harm, but you don’t have to roll the Take a Beating move.

Hard Boiled: When you Act Under Fire, roll +Grit instead of +Cool.

Investigative Methods: Whenever you benefit from a full forensic sweep of an area, get 2 extra hold when you Search for Clues.

Magnum Justice: Whenever you do harm, inflict +1 harm.

Sarge: Your rank is Sergeant. Get +1 to the Get a Warrant and Call for Backup moves.

Veteran: Gain +1 Grit.


Choose one Personal contact, one Criminal or Street contact, and one Professional contact, in addition to those granted by your Outlook and Assignment.




Moves update and playbooks.

So I’m thinking of putting back in a fourth stat- Cool, for lack of a better term, with the act under fire analogue built into it.  This allows for more stat substitution moves, which are always interesting.  Also, add Fast Talk move.

Right now I’m knocking around the following playbooks.  The idea is that everyone is an investigator of sorts, but you have overlapping and different jurisdictions and techniques, but I need more concrete stuff to make sure there’s at least some niche protection.

The Cop

Strength:  Ass-Kicking.  Challenge: Has to deal with red tape.

The Agent

Strength: information, government resources, almost no questions asked.  Challenge:  Social isolation.

The Company Man

Strength:  wealth, status, connections.  Challenge:  Having to clean up after your superior’s messes.

The Hacker

Strength:  You’ve got a unique skill nobody else does, hacking.  Challenge:  You live on the fringe of legality.

The Private Detective

Strength:  Clue finding, perception.  Challenge: Money is always an issue.

The Rookie:

Strength:  Support and backup- a helper character.  Challenge: Earning respect.

The Hunter

Strength: Tracking, pursuing, and fighting a quarry.  Challenge:  Trouble magnet.

The Replicant

Strength:  Adaptivity.  Challenge: discrimination, dealing with the self.

The Psychic (optional)

Strength:  Psi Powers.  Challenge:  All the baggage that comes with psi powers.

Also vaguely considering a DA or investigative reporter type character.  Any thoughts on these?