Thought half the Day how my Hardhold would Look like if i finally got to Play an AW game…
Thought half the Day how my Hardhold would Look like if i finally got to Play an AW game…
Thought half the Day how my Hardhold would Look like if i finally got to Play an AW game…
And what would it look like?
I was thinking of a two-part hardhold. Inner circle would be like an old civil war fortress or big concrete building where all the “important” people would live. Outside of this a big tent town where other crafters, farmers and other day laborers/peons would live. There would be no security outside of the inner walls. The security gang would just be small and banishment from the inner circle would be the most used punishment. A busy market would be cool too.
Hardholders are just so much fun…
And now i just have to find a game that i can play in. MCing is a lot of fun but playing… man…
Tim Franzke You might try checking in with Seth Harris . He’s got a Game of the Month/Week thing going on, trying to hook people up with similar tastes. Seems to be going for a story games type of audience.