2 thoughts on “Hullo folks, I’m Rob.”

  1. Well, there’s a write-up of The Jersey Mothman up on my blog. You can read it here: http://lostzeppo.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/monster-of-week-gugacon-one-shot-jersey.html

    Unfortunately, I didn’t do a write-up of the Moon Tree scenario, and it’s been too long since then for me to recall enough to do a write-up. I will say that one of the characters was a wooden man Construct who was powered by music, and was basically a living woodwind instrument.

    As of an hour or two ago, I’ve decided to run another one-shot this Saturday, which I’m going to frame as a sort of cross between Fringe and Scottish cop dramas such as Rebus and Taggart. 😀

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