6 thoughts on “A quick question for all players: How long has your campaign lasted?”

  1. After season 2, we’re probably gonna hit about 14-15 sessions, about 4 hours each… I just wondered if a third season goes too far.  My players do want more.

  2. Eight sessions of around 3-4 hours each, consisting of a single season. I thought that would be it, but there’s definitely hunger for more (although we’re thinking of starting with entirely new characters).

  3. The shorter “season length” of PbAW games is something I’ve quite come to like. With an “ongoing campaign” it somehow feels more important to get everything perfect. I felt our sessions were more like 2.5 hours, but since you edited the recordings Dave Fried I’ll bow to your math.

  4. My current entirely chat-based campaign has been going since late January, once a week for four hours a session (with a few exceptions where we were short key players and either did something else or adjourned), and although season end was triggered a few actual play sessions ago we’re just now at a point where we can hopefully wrap it up either tonight or in the next week or two.

    Mind you, I think we get through maybe two scenes per four hour session, three if we’re pushing it, so we are talking a sloooow pace. I expect it’d only be equivalent to a handful of real world sessions of that duration. It can be a bit frustrating at times and I’m not entirely sure that Powered by the Apocalypse games are well suited for the format (it’s hard to have the direct back and forth interplay and discussion that I’ve heard in all three of the Actual Play podcasts I follow that run PbtA games – The Walking Eye, the Jank Cast, and IPMM), but I can’t complain too much. I think we’ve strayed somewhat from the intended milieu of the game but we’re all having fun and some really cool stuff happens.

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