Hi folks.

Hi folks.

Hi folks.

I’ve gone through and removed a lot of posts flagged as possible spam, but a very few are actually stuff that might be of interest to folks running AW games, so I’m just linking to the whole site instead of the articles that were individually posted.

There’s a fair amount of , well, stuff around the idea of preparing for disaster. I’m a former EMT who lives in an area where I can grow some food, and we have extreme weather sometimes. So yeah, I like to have extra canned goods on hand, especially if I grew the food myself (yay black raspberry jam!). Am I building a bunker to withstand the apocalypse? No.

Anyway, here’s the link. I’m thinking of opening a new subsection called Possibly Useful Stuff, for everything from this link to images of  decaying Detroit to photo-gallerys of innovative futuristic clothing available now if you have scads of money. What do y’all think? Good idea or just another place to look for stuff?



4 thoughts on “Hi folks.”

  1. How about a separate section here for ‘resources’? That way folks can provide interesting links and help others filter out the content they are only interested in reading?

  2. Such a section sounds like really good idea, might encourage sharing resources.

    OTOH, shared resources should be discussed more…

    Without the implied request of a dialectic to accompany a shared thought… what was the shared thought for?

    Can’t let those crazy survivalists, paranoid preppers, and hardboiled homesteaders become independent insurgents… they might bring about an apocalypse or something.

    I know, let’s steal their sheep! That’ll calm them down right?

    Farmageddon Trailer 

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