18 thoughts on “I’m sure this question has been asked before but what apocalypse worlds have you created?”

  1. I only played one campaign. It was set the suburb of an old city suffocated by a poisonois jungle. You see, between the trees and the tropical planfs there was this this vapor, some kind of fatal fog. The people had an underground tunnel system to survive. And lots of gas masksof course…

  2. +Nikitas Thlimmenos I like it! I found it hard to get away from the Mad Max desert type apocalypse in my head at first but I’ve been thinking of a few different ones. I like the more overgrown city type of thing right now.

  3. I’m also playing in a game with a toxic jungle, but we haven’t explored it much, so I don’t know if it’s grown out of a city.  We joke that the apocalypse was Jumanji.  It mostly takes place on a space station that crashed onto the planet.  It’s huge, mostly unexplored, and rooms keep moving around.

  4. I played in an apocalypse that was a sort of psychic darkness.  It never got more bright than a hazy twilight and if you left the light the darkness would get in your head.

  5. Google+ game: A flooded area with black, broken glass landscape. Strange crabs and other things lived near the hold that were harvested for their venom. A lot of technological wreckage and a downed satellite were involved.

    RPG.net game: An arcology in the middle of a swamp. The hold and several others are in the arcology. Desperate tribes of people live outside of it, and insane gangs live inside. At the top level are the Gardeners, who have hydroponic wonders and creepy psychic links with one another.

    First In Person Game: So, amusingly all the male players independently picked female characters–figuring it would maximize use of the sex moves. It was a hold based on a women’s prison colony (like encountered in Y the Last Man), with them not entirely sure what had happened. The male guards were the fathers of those who had been born after the apocalypse. All men in the are were older. It didn’t get that much further, but things got crazier the further from the center of the prison you went. It was blue skies and normal weather (ish) over the main complex, a couple yards out the sky turned yellow and weather got extreme. Further out from that it was endless swirls of things like the northern lights.

  6. Technoir World: Cyberpunk Noir AW in the Twin Cities, drones,robo cops, megacorps, wireless internet as the psychic maelstrom

    Deluge World: Constant rain, submerged city scapes, black mold and river cannibals

    Apocalypse Sector: AW in space, moon crater cities, nanon dust, spaceships, robots, printed people

  7. Thank you all for giving me a much much broader view of apocalypse world – the original and still the best (imo – to avoid flames) Vincent Baker just for the adoring fans what’s your apocalypse of choice?

  8. I’m running a home made conversion of the sadly out of print Swedish classic Mutant – Undergangens Arvtagare (mutant – heir to the apocalypse). For my English group (we are based in Canterbury) I have transplanted the Pyri Empire to Kent. Not Kent as it looks today of course, but a Kent with altered coast lines, the isle of Sheppey full of aggressive frog mutant barbarians (no change there then), forbidden zones where Maidstone and London used to be and some interesting neighbouring states. Cornwall, Devon and parts of the southwest are ruled by a robot claiming to be king Arthur reborn.

    Technology has returned to approximately early 19th century level with some steam tech and breechloading rifles coexisting with old tech energy weapons and  everything inbetween. The Empyre is trying to bring civilisation to the wilderness but travel even along the roads is dangerous not only because of brigands but also because of the monstrous flora and fauna left by the cataclysm. 

    The population consists of:

    non mutated humans – the offspring of thiose who sat out the apocalypse in safe underground enclaves. These form the upper class of society as they had old tech to use to conquer the surface world when they re-emerged.

    robots – left over since before the cataclysm these are intelligent beings that more often than not tend not to be owned by anyone but rather take service with one master or the other as it suits them. Due to the construction of their memory circuits so far none of these can remember the cataclysm, in fact many of them are hazy on what their original purpose was. Robots cannot harm non-mutated humans.

    physically mutated humans – the hardy survivors of the cataclysm who have evolved to adapt to the new world in different ways. 

    physically mutated animals – bipedal, possessing the power of speech, intelligent and with front paws replaced by hands. Together with the mutated humans these form the bulk of the working class and the pioneer farmers trying to get by in the wilderness.

    PSI mutants, both human and animal, who can manipulate the world with the power of their minds exist but are not tolerated by society. When the empyre was formed a powerful PSI mutant formed an army of mutants to stop the non-mutated humans from taking over and ever since PSI-mutants are a persecuted minority.

    So far my group consists of a PSI mutant human disguised as non-mutated, a robot who thinks that he may once have been a chef or butler of some some sort, a non-mutated human lesser noble and a mutated rabbit. They are currently stuck in an underground lab from olden times where it seems biological weapons were developed. They are wearing some old hazmat suits (even the robot) they found but are beginning to doubt their quality after a few hundred years in a locker.


  9. We played at indieCon and came up with a ring world constructed by an alien architect race. Humans had settled as both scientists and leisure seekers. The aliens got infected by an alien fungal growth which caused the apocalypse. Trying to find a cure for a disease we thought we were infected with, we found that the aliens were recovering and creating new colonists from clones.We were able to fully cure the aliens and the infected humans by releasing an antidote into the atmosphere from one of the original human bio-domes. Was fun!

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