From a conversation on SG, where it really didn’t fit
Here are some MC moves for a game of Middle-Aged Adventurers.
– Have a young adult NPC beat them at their best skill
– Give them a pot belly, grey hair, mole or bald spot
– Give them hot flashes/mysterious pain in a random body part
– Make them have an affair they don’t feel good about
– Make them buy expensive things that typically appeal to younger people
– Alter the colloquial meaning of a favorite word or phrase
– Make fun of their taste in clothing, hair or music
– swollen prostrate: -1 forward due to sleeping poorly due to frequent trips to the toilet just to spend 5 minutes just to dribble a little bit
– inability to trigger their next sex move
– Have them suddenly realise they’re acting exactly like their mother or father.
– have them tired all the time; -1 forward due to realization that they just want to lie down and rest a bit
Y’all are hysterical! It’s funny because it hurts!