Another custom move for Monster of the Week that I’m looking for feedback on.

Another custom move for Monster of the Week that I’m looking for feedback on.

Another custom move for Monster of the Week that I’m looking for feedback on. It’s for a monster who is incredibly skilled at wrestling and grappling.

When you’re grabbed by the [redacted], roll +Tough. On a 10+, pick two. On a 7-9, pick one.

– you aren’t knocked to the ground;

– your arms aren’t pinned to your sides;

– it doesn’t lock it’s fingers around your throat.

On a miss, you’re in big trouble.

It seems harsh, but there is absolutely no way you want to get caught in this thing’s grasp.

4 thoughts on “Another custom move for Monster of the Week that I’m looking for feedback on.”

  1. Assuming the fiction supports it, can I stay grappled and, I dunno, Kick Some Ass by headbutting this thing? You appear to have opened up some interesting questions for me. 🙂 I suspected the answer you gave for the first one.

  2. I don’t see why not. As skilled as the thing is at wrestling, not allowing the Hunter to do anything other than gasp for air and slowly black out would be lame.

    There’s a catch to this creature that renders it absolutely powerless. Use it, and the monster can’t even defend itself. But if you don’t find that weakness, you really, really don’t want to get tackled by this thing. 😉

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