Hey, I’m working in a #poweredbytheapocalypse game, and I’m working on the characters right now.

Hey, I’m working in a #poweredbytheapocalypse game, and I’m working on the characters right now.

Hey, I’m working in a #poweredbytheapocalypse game, and I’m working on the characters right now. And since I’m adding some stuff particular to my setting, I’m thinking in using a more conventional way to present the character “concepts”, instead of the AW playbooks. What do you think about that? I’m thinking something more like WoD and D&D (as I said, more conventional ways). Being clear I’m talking only about presentation of the content.

8 thoughts on “Hey, I’m working in a #poweredbytheapocalypse game, and I’m working on the characters right now.”

  1. Should be perfectly fine. Don’t feel hemmed in by any of the bits of AW when building a game. Many of those things work exceptionally well in AW but may not fit your game right. Pick and choose, mutate and delete. It’s all up to you 🙂

  2. Yeah, it works perfectly fine. In #nocountryforoldkobolds  , the DW/PbtA hack I wrote I ended up not including anything but lists on the character sheets because it made the most sense – you go through a lot of characters in a single session 🙂 so  having rules on the sheet just doesn’t make sense.

  3. Thanks for the clarification azlath. As Steve Wallace said though, you shouldn’t feel constrained by what other hacks have done. That being said, I’m a big fan of having the character creation rules right there on the playbook.

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