Having read the archetypes now, I’m mulling them over a bit. I watched Blade a few weeks ago (don’t judge me) and I like how nicely Whistler can be mapped out with archetypes – he’s a Hunter who advanced and became a Veteran.
Having read the archetypes now, I’m mulling them over a bit.
Having read the archetypes now, I’m mulling them over a bit.
“Some motherfucker’s always got to try and ice skate uphill.”
And I think you are exactly right on Whistler ‘s history.
That’s the best line in cinema history.
I am in no way kidding. I really think that.
I still like Blade, and all of those questionable vampire movies. My last one-shot character: Veteran reminded me quite a bit of Whistler, but I played him as an ex-Ghoul to the (perma) dead Prince, had a limp and everything.
I just IMDB’d Blade and found that the Veteran’s Corruption Move ” Catch You Fuckers at a Bad Time? ” is a Whistler quote. Love it. Whistler is the best part of that movie; Kris Kristofferson just nails it.
First: Blade is a frickin’ awesome movie!
Second: Whistler is easily one of the strongest influences for The Veteran. So you’re all right!
Blade 2 is also a good example of how a Vampire can mix with Mortal Faction PCs
Ok, now you’ve gone and done it! Had to put Blade on my “to watch” list….