3 thoughts on “Get Down in the The ‘Hood”

  1. St. Joan’s Cathedral – When you seek redemption roll+Straight. On a 10+ you reduce -1 Heat. On a 7-9, you reduce -1 Heat and lose -1 Dough to the tithe plate.

  2. When you dispose of a body in the Junkyard, pay 1 Dough and Roll + Hush. On a hit the body vanishes.

    10+ Choose, 7-9 Choose 2:

    -You make a mess. Put the Junkyard Man in your Payback column.

    -Hidden fees. +1 Dough to keep things quiet.

    -You need someone’s help, take -1 Debt with them.

  3. When you have a meal at the Golden Dragon, finish it with a fortune cookie: the MC creates a fortune that suggests what your next course of action should be. Take +1 forward if you act upon that suggestion right away.

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