What do I do with a gang vulnerability. Eg. a gang has vulnerable: reprisals. What does that mean in the game play?

What do I do with a gang vulnerability. Eg. a gang has vulnerable: reprisals. What does that mean in the game play?

What do I do with a gang vulnerability. Eg. a gang has vulnerable: reprisals. What does that mean in the game play?

7 thoughts on “What do I do with a gang vulnerability. Eg. a gang has vulnerable: reprisals. What does that mean in the game play?”

  1. It is explained in the book. Vulnerability is a thing that happens when things go badly for the gang. In case of reprisals that means that the gang enemies start catching and killing lone gang memebers whenever gang leader (or pack alpha) loses vigilance.

  2. Remember you, as a MC, should inflict MC moves upon the PCs when a. everybody’s waiting for you to say something or b. they’re asking for it willingly or not. You also should ground your moves in the fiction, shouldn’t you?

    Vulnerabilities are inspiration for this. Say nothing happens, the PCs are sitting on their collective ass, gang and all. You, the MC, by the rules, should inflict a MC move, but which one? You have no inspiration right now.

    Look at the PC gangs’ vulnerabilities ! Are their bikes falling appart (vulnerable: breakdown)? Make them pay or take away their toys! Vulnerable: obligation? Put them in a spot!

    Same thing when the PCs are doing something that wouldn’t fly with their gangs’ vulnerability. If their gang’s vulnerable to disease and they’re rushing through a swamp, that’s your clue, as a MC, to start announcing future badness (“Barabas is coughing blood!”) or even harm or kill an NPC (“Barabas coughes and coughes and just falls down, man!”).

    TL;DR : you know you’re supposed to ground your MC moves in the fiction? Vulnerabilities are fictionnal stuff that’s always true, upon which you can always make a MC moves that makes sense. 

  3. You’re welcome. It’s spread across the AW rulebook and you need to connect some dots: what I typed is more strategy and tactics than pure rules. 

    No page n# cause I don’t have the book handy, sorry, but you can find the dots in the description of tags (look at inspirations and permissions), the rules for MC moves (when and how to do hard and soft moves, the cause and effects principles of “make a move, but never tell its name and misdirect”), in the characters’ crap chapter (the whole discussion about the prescriptive/descriptive nature of what’s on your sheet) and someplaces else, no doubt. 

  4. Thanks Gregory. In case anyone else is looking, I found the key rule on vulerabilities in the Gang description tag section, p. 250 of the Character’s Crap chapter.

  5. And maybe more to the point, Vulnerabilities exist to give the GM suggestions when they need to make a move. Reprisal ? The next GM move can be someone the player has pissed off taking out a valued gang member. What do you do about it ?

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