I am preparing to run Urban Shadows/AW for the first time…what AW rules would you say I need to focus on before…

I am preparing to run Urban Shadows/AW for the first time…what AW rules would you say I need to focus on before…

I am preparing to run Urban Shadows/AW for the first time…what AW rules would you say I need to focus on before running? What are the key points of understanding?

10 thoughts on “I am preparing to run Urban Shadows/AW for the first time…what AW rules would you say I need to focus on before…”

  1. You don’t have the 2.1 rules? They are quite different. I was creating an add-on that I had to entirely redo because the rules were so different. If you have the updated rules (which you get when you backed via kickstarter) I recommend using them.

  2. Oh, and as for your original question. I’d say the secret to MC-ing any game is being open to plot you didn’t plan for. Let the players create the storyline through character creation, ask them loads of questions about their lives, allies, enemies, frenemies, etc. It’ll all start to form faster than you’d think. Then just throw them into the middle of something, see what they do with it. 😀

  3. Oh good point Rich, I completely forgot we don’t have a PDF option on there. I think it’s too late to make that change. You’ll have to wait until the official release and pick up the digital copy then. I’m sorry about tease. 

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