“It is about real people, some of whom are still alive.”

“It is about real people, some of whom are still alive.”

“It is about real people, some of whom are still alive.”

I own and have read Kazimiera Cottam’s Women in War and Resistance and Anne Noggle’s _A Dance With Death: Soviet Airwomen in World War II and can recommend both of them.

If wanted to read a third book from the bibliography with an eye towards scene/situation grist, is there one you’d especially recommend? The personal stuff as much as the sorties.

1) Who else always flips to the bibliographies first?

2) I know this is a hack of Apocalypse World but the other thing I flip to is designer notes. If you feel inspired and have something to say about the the design process for this game, I’d love to read about that. Inside or apart from the book. I suspect though there are others like me who wouldn’t necessarily be able to track those thoughts down if it’s not included as a page inside the book itself.

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