Suppose you are playing a new Spy-themed Apocalypse World game.  What sort of things do you expect there to be basic…

Suppose you are playing a new Spy-themed Apocalypse World game.  What sort of things do you expect there to be basic…

Suppose you are playing a new Spy-themed Apocalypse World game.  What sort of things do you expect there to be basic moves for?  What sort of things do you think might need advanced/optional moves?  What sort of things would you not expect to see moves for?

17 thoughts on “Suppose you are playing a new Spy-themed Apocalypse World game.  What sort of things do you expect there to be basic…”

  1. Some of it would depend on if it is James Bond level superspies or a more down to earth approach.

    I would have Build a Legend as a move, to construct a cover identity for a spy.

  2. Depending on the spies, it seems like some more/different moves for social manipulation, lying, and whatnot would be in order. So much of AW’s core move makeup is based on overt threats, which is kind of the opposite of how I see spy fiction.

  3. I would want to see a Chase Scene move for James Bond like spies. It is a common conflict in the genre.

    It would be a good use for gadgets too and the outcome can be described in an AW style roll pretty well I think.

    I agree with Eric Duncan that gadgets should play a part in the game.

    More as an MC principle but still important for the genre would be the introduction of breathtaking vistas and cool set pieces. Preferably in some exotic location.

    There could be a move for set pieces too if we want to put it into the hands of a player.

    Maybe some kind of reconnaissance move. To establish a place, an escpae route or something like that. Could be one of those moves where the player gets to ask leading questions.

  4. There needs to be a gambling move

    a resist torture move

    a subdue without (lasting) harm move

    an escape from certain death move

    flashy vehicular stunts move

    And for the MC:

    reveal the nefarious plan

    tempt with sex

    get the public involved

  5. When you do something for yourself

    When you do something for queen&country

    When you do something for another person

    When it looks like you couldn’t do anything anymore

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