9 thoughts on “Couple of questions:”

  1. I’m not familiar with either of those references, but unless the ‘teen investigator’ overlaps with a supernatural creature, I’m guessing there isn’t one.

    I’m sure there’s an Open Office of Word Skin template floating around somewhere.

  2. One of Jackson Tegu’s Second Skins, The Neighbor, lets people play the non-supernatural, not-quite-as-beautiful, everything happens to me, “secondary character”  that teenage paranormal romances so often have. So it’s totally possible to make Skins that don’t use a monster as a metaphor for some sort of teenage issue.

    Take the investigators from Bram Stoker’s Dracula as inspiration, make them teenagers, and put them in high school. That would be pretty cool.

    Ooh. The archetypical nosey kid or high school newspaper reporter.

  3. Ooh, I like your line of thinking, Robert Ruthven. Sounds fruitful.

    I know Max Hervieux has a word template for Skins that he’s been sharing. It looks very nice. Max?

  4. I don’t know if it matches your needs, but a friend is developing The Believer which is part conspiracy nut and part supernatural investigator (a little more Mulder or Dipper than Veronica Mars, but maybe it’s good for ideas): story-games.com/forums/discussion/19844/monsterhearts-skins-the-believer-and-the-dream

    Also, I have a word template I made for Skin work. Required fonts are Fontin Sans and Yataghan, both free online. Just change the picture and fill it out as you need: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ncu3m3vfkzy7w9g/Monsterhearts%20Word%20Template.docx?dl=0

  5. The Believer looks cool, not quite the same vibe but it’d be interesting to try out. I’ll probably try and do a custom. Thanks for the links, I’ll check out the template when I’m next on my PC.

    As for the Neighbor, is that available yet? I’m not sure what the status on Second Skins is.

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