So I’ve recently discovered MOTW via and it’s taking immense acts of willpower not to buy 1st ed knowing…

So I’ve recently discovered MOTW via and it’s taking immense acts of willpower not to buy 1st ed knowing…

So I’ve recently discovered MOTW via and it’s taking immense acts of willpower not to buy 1st ed knowing that 2nd ed is coming out next month. Since I don’t think my regular group would go for it, I assume I’ll run it as a one shot for a con. The title came to me while reading the playbooks on the web. A weekend of obsessively combing youtube for videos to tear apart later and here you go. It’s definitely a first draft but I wanted to share it with folks who’d like it.

13 thoughts on “So I’ve recently discovered MOTW via and it’s taking immense acts of willpower not to buy 1st ed knowing…”

  1. I have ran several MotW 1ed one-shots and will go back to that well for 2nd ed when it is ready.  

    Paul McBride  is very spot on, especially if you are not mindful of some of the combinations of moves from other playbooks (I found Angel Wings from the Divine to be particularly troublesome in the hands of one player; who is now banned from all teleportation effects in all games for all times; even ones I do not run)

    Robert Ruthven They obviously missed the point of PbtA games if that was they complaint, but not everyone is into that type of play.

  2. Paul McBride oh, yeah Smite is rough if it is not handled with some care. A cost to use it would have been a nice offset for that move. If i were to cobble PbtA system I would make Smite a corruption Move from urban Shadows and in this case “Corruption” references a force eating away at the players free will

  3. Personally, I wouldn’t have a problem doubling up so long as the concepts were distinct enough. I mean The original Scooby Gang are all Meddlers but manage with different Moves and such.

  4. Paul McBride Sorry for the delay. Yes, i ran the two different versions of the Urban Shadows Beta. There were some issues in the rules that are being addressed in the final release that seem to be clicking nicely.

    R’ick J’onzz Just my 2cp, but OUAT seems more like a Monsterhearts game than Monster of the Week… though Emma really is a blend of Chosen, Hard Case, and Spooky as she does learn … stuff

  5. Dave Bozarth Yeah, I added Emma because I was having a hard time finding source videos (from youtube, btw) from Grimm. Of course, I suppose Nick is another Chosen.

  6. Nice! Really ace video, and I dig that Agent May is the Professional. 😀

    The one suggestion I’d make if you revise it is to have the playbook/character names in a different location, because they interfered with seeing the wonderful faces of the characters. 🙂

  7. Agreed, but I’m doing this with Windows Movie Maker 6, which doesn’t let me place the titles. I tried to make the text transparent enough to make it passable but it’s tricky. Thanks!

  8. Yeah, Windows Movie Maker sucks for anything more than basic editing. Still can’t find an affordable Adobe Premiere/Final Cut equivalent, or I’d do fanvids myself. 🙁

  9. (Aside: I’ve fiddled around with Lightworks a bit, it’s a pro-grade movie editor that has a basic package for free. Haven’t worked with it enough to really get how it works, but it resembles some of the editing software I used in college.)

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