9 thoughts on “aaaah so much +Real and +Look I can’t deal”

  1. No snark, this is legit the most compelling storyline in the WWE to me right now, and it’s cuz Miz got his shit together. Sandow’s always been great but Miz somehow managed to under-the-radar become the most compelling heel in the company. If you watched RAW, he got THE MOST boos, more than Rollins, more than Rusev. He’s such an asshole! It’s amazing.

  2. Do you guys remember how the Miz made Alex Rilley like one of the hottest babyfaces for a while because people wanted so badly to see Miz get his ass kicked? The same with Daniel Bryan when he first came to the WWE. Now the same with Sandow! 

    The Miz is so underrated!

    One of my biggest problems with wrestling is also my problem with many social dynamics in workplaces and communities. Individuals aren’t just superstars because of their own efforts but also by the support staff that helped them get there. Yet we don’t reward the support staff 🙁

    One of the ways that Wrestlers get compensated is via T-Shirt sales. Baby Faces sell much, much, much more than Heels. But it’s the Heel’s job to help make the Baby Face popular. Yet they don’t get any shares of those T-Shirt profits. 

    This is partly what led to the rise of Cool Heels. Bad guys who were bad but also at the same time trying to become popular so they can make more money. What often end up happening is the Cool Heels weren’t doing their jobs and the Baby Faces weren’t getting over. 

    Miz is one of the few Heels being an actual Heel. He cares about what he is doing. But the actual reward system doesn’t reward Heels being Heels. 

    So fucked up!

  3. In the territory days heels got more of the rewards (is my understanding), back when wrestlers were paid out of ticket sales. The big heels drew the crowds. How wrestling works as an art form hasn’t changed, but how wrestlers are paid has, so yeah. Lots of incentives to be “bad guy but you actually like me,” which is weak sauce in terms of actual storytelling.

    I hated (like, didn’t ever want to see) Miz during his run against Cena, then kinda meh’d out on him after that, but Hollywood Miz has totally got me on board. I want to see Sandow beat him SO BAD.

  4. The whole art of being a Heel in American Wrestling has nearly died.  What Miz is doing right now, it is classic; a revival of that nearly dead art.  The subtle ways he antagonizes the crowds, the cheap heat he draws with underhanded tricks, all of everything he does; it’s a careful science melded with the purest form of wrestling art. 

    Can anyone believe that this is the kid from a ‘reality’ show that went on a ‘reality’ show to become a ‘fake’ wrestler?  His acting chops could actually land him in Hollywood, and it would be a natural move for him to make.

  5. Randy Orton is the other WWE guy who can get real heel heat, but it’s different cuz even when he’s getting boo’d, the RKO is over. He’s in more of a Michael PS Hayes position, where people are excited to see him and pop for his finish, but if you pay attention in-between you’ll see the audience start pulling for his opponent.

  6. I like Orton, but it seems of late that he’s phoning it in.  His in-ring work doesn’t have the snap and intensity he used to bring, the RKO seems sluggish and uncreative of late (when was the last time he did something interesting with it?), and this certainly seems to feed into or is caused by the fact that the WWE bookers have no idea how to use him right now.

    I’ll totally agree that without DDP, there would be no RKO, so credit where it’s due, and I love DDP — but when Orton’s on fire, he fires off that RKO better than DDP does on average.  That one where he got Evan Bourne a couple years ago when Bourne was in MID-450 SPLASH still blows my freaking mind.

  7. That’s one thing that I have to give Triple-H — he was very, very good at getting heel heat, and for all that people complained that he was abusing his power and position, he did a solid job of getting people over.  Foley in particular owed a lot of his late-career heat to that feud he had in 2000 with Trips, who sold the threat of Cactus Jack HARD.

    I do agree that the art of getting heel heat these days seems… diminished.  Miz is a nice breath of fresh air.  🙂

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