Concept: a pro wrestling league, set in the 90s, but every fighter and faction is named after a Voodoo Glow Skulls…

Concept: a pro wrestling league, set in the 90s, but every fighter and faction is named after a Voodoo Glow Skulls…

Concept: a pro wrestling league, set in the 90s, but every fighter and faction is named after a Voodoo Glow Skulls song. (n.b. VGS = 90s ska-punk group)

“Los Hombres Que No Lloran” – a spooky dapper trio

“Band Geek Mafia” – their foils, a kind of trolly New Day before their time

“El Coo Cooi” – a Monster for sure

“Human Piñata” – more the nickname of a hapless jobber, he kayfabe hates it

“Bulletproof” – a Technician w decent Power

“Shoot the Moon” – actually a finisher that any wrestler can do when the time is right

“Baile de Los Locos” – definitely a large, wild faction of 2 masked superstars and like 12 masked jobbers; only wrestles noDQ matches

Add your own!

I’m tempted to have a custom move to describe a troublesome/rowdy/distracted/disengaged crowd.

I’m tempted to have a custom move to describe a troublesome/rowdy/distracted/disengaged crowd.

I’m tempted to have a custom move to describe a troublesome/rowdy/distracted/disengaged crowd. (A “Philly Crowd” move? I’m from NJ; I get to make that joke.) This basically happened at our last Queen City Combat session: a demo match between two NPWs had a mediocre fashion, so we just had the crowd get caught up in chanting things that weren’t on our t-shirts.

But you know, this can easily just be handled by using and extended the existing Hard Moves and Principles that we have, and by embracing fictional positioning. So here’s a way to do that:

On a Botch, one possible Hard Move is that the crowd goes bad. Maybe they get smarked out into chanting internet references or they start chanting the name of a retired restler, or they just start yelling “BO-ORING” over and over again. The result: you just cannot Cut a Promo (“WHAT?!”) or Work The Audience (“WHAT?!”) because you literally cannot be heard above the crowd – until you do something about it.

What that “something” is up to you and what makes sense to the table. Maybe just a good successful move, or some legit shenanigans to shut down the crowd a bit, or maybe Creative will allow the Interrupt move to give you a chance to interrupt them – if you’ve got the Momentum to burn, you may have a chance to break through.

Let’s talk about group sizes.

Let’s talk about group sizes.

Let’s talk about group sizes. What are the lower/upper bounds that you’ve experienced as still being workable? Any caveats to fit groups on the outsides of that?

My self-interested context is that my 4-person group is down to 3 tomorrow, and was unsure if there was enough crossplay for that still to be good. (The text says 3 as a lower bound. Anything extra that needs to happen to work with that many?)

In Which World Wide Wrestling Mirrors Real World Wrestling In Wide Weird Ways

In Which World Wide Wrestling Mirrors Real World Wrestling In Wide Weird Ways

In Which World Wide Wrestling Mirrors Real World Wrestling In Wide Weird Ways

Example 1: Shark

In our world, this is Brock Lesnar F5ing a shark:

Meanwhile, at our Dreamation game of WWW: Dr. Moreau (Tim Rodriguez) was hit with a shark… and BECAME a shark.

Example 2: the ex-football player who wants to get over

At my first game of WWW (in its playtest phase), I made up a character who was an ex-football player, novice to pro wrestling, who had a great look but tended to give rather rambling promos and deeply felt that he deserved a monster push to the top at the Regal Wrangle.

Mind you, Roman Reigns was still a dutiful member of the Shield at this point. I WAS PLAYING A CHARACTER FROM THE FUTURE.

If you’re playing the Manager, can you manage another player, or should you manage an NPW?

If you’re playing the Manager, can you manage another player, or should you manage an NPW?

If you’re playing the Manager, can you manage another player, or should you manage an NPW? If an NPW: will you not making any Wrestling Moves on their behalf (their stuff gets narrated), or can you narrate what you like when you have “control” and then hand it back without rolling anything, or do you just take part in non-wrestling bits?

One player has a great Manager idea, but want to make sure they’ll still be engaged. I can imagine messing with the Manager playbook to allow them to wrestle for themselves (while mostly being a mouthpiece).