Here’s the Iconoclast, Version 2.0. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and comments!

Here’s the Iconoclast, Version 2.0. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and comments!

Here’s the Iconoclast, Version 2.0. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and comments!

The Iconoclast

You’re a gunslinger, a giant-killer, a career-ender. Your talents are wasted on jobbers and wannabes; your prey are the greatest heroes and vilest villains that the wrestling universe has to offer. You will forge your own legend from the broken bodies and shattered egos of past greats…until the day that a new generation of Iconoclasts comes for you.


Look -1

Power -1

Real +1

Work -1

Add +1 to one stat.

Heat Questions

Who has the potential to be on your hit-list someday?

Who has a beef with you because of what you did to their mentor?

Who do you secretly mark out for?

Who thinks your lust for glory is bad for the business?

Starting Audience



Finishing Move – When you’re booked to win a match, roll 2d6. On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean. Choose whether you or your opponent gains +1 Audience. On a 7-9, they make you work for it. Choose: your killer instinct takes over and you get +1 Heat with them; or you make them look mighty in defeat and they get +1 Audience. On a botch, choose: you look like an amateur and lose -1 Audience or you take things too far and injure your opponent.

Calling Down The Thunder – When you cut a promo on a wrestler with an Advanced Role, roll +Real. On a 10+, choose 2, on a 7-9, choose 1: book yourself a match with the target of your promo, get +1 Heat with the target of your promo, gain +2 Momentum. On a botch, choose: lose -1 Audience or get booked in a punitive match.

Choose 1:

Apex Predator – Take +1 Work.

Pack Leader – Your natural charisma attracts the new blood and inspires them to take the fight to the old guard. When you try to incite rebellion, roll +Look. On a 10+, you win them over. Choose 1: book the finish of a match you’re not in, gain an Enforcer for one episode. On a 7-9, they follow…for now. Choose 1: add or remove the stipulation on a match you’re booked in, give +1 Momentum and gain +1 Heat. On a botch, they’re not impressed. Choose 1: lose -1 Audience, suffer disciplinary action backstage, or get beaten down by your would-be followers.

Hungry Young Lion – Take +1 Real (max +3)

In the Cross-Hairs – When you mark a wrestler without an Advanced Role for destruction, roll +Work. On a 10+, you treat them as if they had an Advanced Role for the rest of the feud and gain +2 Momentum. On a 7+, you treat them as if they had an Advanced Role for the rest of the feud and they choose 1:  gain +1 Audience, start every match with you with +1 Momentum, they gain +1 Heat with you and you lose -1 Heat with them. On a botch, you lose all of your Momentum.

Your Time is Over – When you Work Real Stiff against a wrestler with an Advanced Role and roll a botch, you can choose to take the injury as normal or to spend -2 Momentum and lose -1 Audience to seriously injure your opponent. They must check off two injury boxes instead of one.


When you are injured, check an injury box. Whenever you lose a match due to your injury, lose -1 Heat. When you push through your injury to win a match, gain +2 Heat.

If you have three checks, you can no longer compete.

3 thoughts on “Here’s the Iconoclast, Version 2.0. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and comments!”

  1. Not sure on “Your Time is Over”. Generally, a botch is a botch, and you use momentum to turn it into a 7+. This is a move you can’t really make actively, so you should alter the trigger.

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