In Which World Wide Wrestling Mirrors Real World Wrestling In Wide Weird Ways

In Which World Wide Wrestling Mirrors Real World Wrestling In Wide Weird Ways

In Which World Wide Wrestling Mirrors Real World Wrestling In Wide Weird Ways

Example 1: Shark

In our world, this is Brock Lesnar F5ing a shark:

Meanwhile, at our Dreamation game of WWW: Dr. Moreau (Tim Rodriguez) was hit with a shark… and BECAME a shark.

Example 2: the ex-football player who wants to get over

At my first game of WWW (in its playtest phase), I made up a character who was an ex-football player, novice to pro wrestling, who had a great look but tended to give rather rambling promos and deeply felt that he deserved a monster push to the top at the Regal Wrangle.

Mind you, Roman Reigns was still a dutiful member of the Shield at this point. I WAS PLAYING A CHARACTER FROM THE FUTURE.