Let’s talk about group sizes.

Let’s talk about group sizes.

Let’s talk about group sizes. What are the lower/upper bounds that you’ve experienced as still being workable? Any caveats to fit groups on the outsides of that?

My self-interested context is that my 4-person group is down to 3 tomorrow, and was unsure if there was enough crossplay for that still to be good. (The text says 3 as a lower bound. Anything extra that needs to happen to work with that many?)

7 thoughts on “Let’s talk about group sizes.”

  1. Stras Acimovic​ wrote about running with a group of 3, and it went well in that case. I think they made Creative a rotating role. I have played in large groups, but it gets a bit top heavy with more than 6 wrestlers.

  2. I just led my first session with 3 and it went great!  We did a lot of pre-planning with regards to the characters and their relationships with eachother as well as the NPCs I designed, so I think that definitely helped keep everyone engaged from beginning to end.  I ended up having each of them wrestle a singles match against an NPC, with a tag match as the main event.  By the time the tag match rolled around, everyone seemed to have a good grasp on the rules and flow of play and ended up really getting into it.

  3. I ran groups of 9 and 7 this last weekend. Yes, it’s top-heavy, but also basically eliminates the need for NPWs. Would do again, preferably with folks who will mark out as audience members.

  4. Just watch some of the live games hosted by Nathan on his YouTube channel.  I’ve been involved in games with three and and with seven during those sessions.  It’s more a matter then of pacing your segments as Creative. 

  5. For 3, I would put each of them in a separate storyline and plan out some backstage stuff for sure. As a first session 3 can be a little lackluster but if you have some history with the characters going in already I think you’ll be fine!

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