We played an Xmas special last night in which the team took down a particularly vile Santa Claus, The North Pole…

We played an Xmas special last night in which the team took down a particularly vile Santa Claus, The North Pole…

We played an Xmas special last night in which the team took down a particularly vile Santa Claus, The North Pole proved to be a horrible place full of horrible people. If none of your hunters receive Xmas presents this year feel free to blame my group! 😛

So I am working on a Preacher/Iman/Rabbi playbook and just want a bit of feedback on moves, please tell me what you…

So I am working on a Preacher/Iman/Rabbi playbook and just want a bit of feedback on moves, please tell me what you…

So I am working on a Preacher/Iman/Rabbi playbook and just want a bit of feedback on moves, please tell me what you think! 

Confession: You are a man of god, that is going to unnerve some folk. Sometimes people aren’t going to open up to you about their darker sides but if you manage to get a damned soul to openly confess and apologize for their wrong doings mark one experience and take a plus one forward to your next charm roll.

Then pick two of these: 

Thou shall not kill: Now you know some of these rules are open to interpretation but a couple of them are quite clear, you get a plus two bonus to protect someone rolls provided they are human.

Exorcism: You can see and communicate with spirits and demons… they might not like you much though.

Healing hands: If you are using magic to heal someone you may heal one additional harm.

Against the night: You can use the manipulate move against minions.

You wouldn’t hit a priest, would ya?: Normal people aren’t going to view you as a threat, unless you are somewhere you shouldn’t be or are acting suspicious.

Followers: Gain one or two followers, devotees to your cause. Give them names and descriptions, they will enact the spirit of your instructions.

Demagogue: You craft words like a silver tongued creature. If you are addressing a large group of humans you can either attempt to calm them down or form a mob, you’ll need a convincing reason though. Roll + Charm. On a 12+ pick three from the list below, on a 10+ pick two, 7+ pick one and on a miss pray for your life as their focus turns to you.

Your mob is aggressive/calm

Your mob does exactly what you ask

Your mob won’t work out you manipulated them later

Other hunters will be safe from your mob

Your mob will inflict fear/calm on others around them

Would it be ok to put together a list of all the current moves and custom moves people have created for their…

Would it be ok to put together a list of all the current moves and custom moves people have created for their…

Would it be ok to put together a list of all the current moves and custom moves people have created for their playbooks? I would love to see a massive list of moves to chose from. I know some of the moves when taken out of context may seem strange though. 

Hello hunters, I have a bit of a problem I have to do a game that involves using a succubus and have the players…

Hello hunters, I have a bit of a problem I have to do a game that involves using a succubus and have the players…

Hello hunters, I have a bit of a problem I have to do a game that involves using a succubus and have the players seduced to do evil. How would you implement a mechanic like that to be fair and balanced? 

So we have had three different chosen ones die in their first games, has anyone else had this hilarious and…

So we have had three different chosen ones die in their first games, has anyone else had this hilarious and…

So we have had three different chosen ones die in their first games, has anyone else had this hilarious and anticlimactic experience?

1st chosen: Betrayed our team by stabbing our sorcerer through the throat, before brutally meeting a assault rifles muzzle. (This chosen one is now blessed by Satan as a headless obsidian sword wielding bad-ass, my favorite recurring villain)

2nd chosen: Betrayed his team by attempting to destroy our robotic construct and embraced the wrong end of a flamer thrower. 

3rd Chosen: was riddled by sub-machine gun fire before being decapitated by their sidekick…

come to think of it… its more my gaming buddies betraying each other that’s the problem…