3 thoughts on “One question.”

  1. According to the book text, it seems like it only affects the fiction – not the actual Threshold. Check page 35:

    From the section about villains taking Conditions:

    “All Conditions contribute to hitting the Condition Threshold and taking an enemy down, but Minor Conditions can be dealt with and wiped away easily, just as with heroes. Moderate ones require some doing or more time to recover from, and Critical Conditions require a lot more justification for an enemy to remove—usually a unique ability.”

    So it sounds like, from this, each Condition imposed is only ever 1 Condition against the enemy’s Threshold; the big difference is how long it will stay around and how likely it is the enemy will shake it off.

    If all the heroes are free and clear to dogpile the enemy, four or five or however-many Minor Conditions like “Outnumbered,” “Off-balance,” “Punch-drunk,” and “Winded” are enough to win the day. But once the enemy stacks the odds by starting fires, throwing civilians into danger, and dividing the heroes? Someone is going to have to lay down Moderate or Critical conditions if the heroes are going to make any headway.

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