I’m altering a one-shot I ran for friends while in the States for vacation right now for two purposes, one is to…

I’m altering a one-shot I ran for friends while in the States for vacation right now for two purposes, one is to…

I’m altering a one-shot I ran for friends while in the States for vacation right now for two purposes, one is to give to a friend as a scenario to offer her GMs to run in a con she runs gaming events at and the other to release as a PWYW book on DrivethruRPG to be used basically as inspiration fodder.

I am also considering writing a book with how to model my Divine Blood setting using the MotW ruleset.  I figure it would be easy enough to use to reproduce a handful of action/investigation based campaign styles for my setting (the main RPG for which is Fate-powered).

I know that part of the fun of MotW is deciding the mythology as you go, but I’d like to offer my setting in multiple systems anyway. It wouldn’t be an extensive book, mostly a summary of the setting and suggestions for things like sects and such and how to handle the fact that most supernaturals in Divine Blood are average people rather than heroes or monsters.

Is this a thing that people would be interested in?