For today’s Archetype-Avatar we move onto the most prolific being in urban fantasy: The Vampire!

For today’s Archetype-Avatar we move onto the most prolific being in urban fantasy: The Vampire!

For today’s Archetype-Avatar we move onto the most prolific being in urban fantasy: The Vampire! There are dozens of amazing choices for this Archetype and I know whatever one I choose will be wrong in someone’s eyes.

For this one, I move away from the trend of protagonists and give Lilah The Tainted some company on the antagonist side of the field. I name Russell Edgington from True Blood: the vampire king of Mississippi!

Russell is old, like really old and that makes him POWERFUL! Russell is dark, strong, polite in his old-world kinda way, and definitely someone you should not fuck with! He captures the Vamp’s themes perfectly, everyone hates him but they’re all way too scared of him to do anything about it; no one wants to get into Russel’s Web.

Tell me about your favourite vampire!

18 thoughts on “For today’s Archetype-Avatar we move onto the most prolific being in urban fantasy: The Vampire!”

  1. Bishop from Being Human (US)!

    And Blaine from I Am Zombie (okay, technically he’s not a vampire, but he is undead, feeds on humans and pushes drugs and brains – what’s not to love?)!

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