White Books, the summer playtests

White Books, the summer playtests

White Books, the summer playtests

I realised I posted everywhere about this, but forgot you gorgeous PbtA peeps. You may remember White Books from last summer.

If you don’t, it’s a pocketmod game about a band of heroes and their quest in a dangerous environment, the dungeon. It’s no prep, GM-ful and good at generating epic adventure and dramatic endings. It still needs some work though, and this is where you come in. Check out the link below if you think you could be interested in playing the new beta version.


10 thoughts on “White Books, the summer playtests”

  1. I’ve mostly worked on simplifying the procedures, as well as solving gameplay issues. The Module (a shared book, not sure if it was already there last year) collects the worldbuilding information: it has all the questions and space for answers. It also acts as a step-by-step guide that teaches you the game. That’s the newest, yet untested improvement: if it works, you shouldn’t get stuck wondering what to do next.

    There is now some structure to the climax: you come up with a series of steps to defeat the Enemy. These aren’t set in stone, but you use them as inspiration for the fiction. It all makes the finale more satisfying to everyone.

    The book of Shadows has a thievery move instead of the orientation one which was very confusing.

    I’m sure there are a few more things but there’s been so many iterations! I’ll have a look tomorrow and come back if I see anything worth mentioning.

  2. petite question connexe (j’avoue je n’ai pas encore eu le temps de lire) : as tu publié quelque part quelques tables aléatoires pour faire un scénar procédural sur le pouce ? j’avoue que tu m’as convaincu de tenter le coup, et la lecture du dernier bouquin du Grumph m’a carrément séduite sur ce type de scénarisation 

  3. Pour White Books ? Le scénar est créé en jeu, mais sans tables aléatoires. C’est un système de questions / réponses.

    Sinon j’ai des procédures un peu en vrac pour d’autres jeux (regarde mon profil, j’ai une collecion ‘Procedural Worldbuilding’.

  4. Ok et bien un gros merci à toi !

    en vrac tu m’as fait découvrir en une semaine le dernier grumph, les white books et the quiet year

    me voilà équipé pour les semaines (mois) à venir

    il va vraiment falloir que je me mette aux parties via hangout 🙂

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