Finally got to run Urban Shadows Last night and it was amazing fun!

Finally got to run Urban Shadows Last night and it was amazing fun!

Finally got to run Urban Shadows Last night and it was amazing fun!

I cannot wait dr the preorder PDF to be emailed so I can dig deeper into another session.

I used a Vegas set up that I had devised for a different game. Just had 6 NPC’s and some goals and plot elements. The PC’s did the rest. Ran it with a Vamp, a Veteran, an Oracle and a Wizard. Very fun!

2 thoughts on “Finally got to run Urban Shadows Last night and it was amazing fun!”

  1. I was really impressed with how complex everything was by the end of the character intro. It gave me a lot to work with. I am hoping to run a follow-up session this coming Friday, as we never handled the big goal of the first part off the session: killing off the Vampire Elders (the “Prince” and another old and powerful Elder). It could set up a really nice power shift in the wake of the events, whether they succeed or fail.

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