Mark Diaz Truman   some of you speak spanish. I saw in the text a spanish Word :P , Just wondering

Mark Diaz Truman   some of you speak spanish. I saw in the text a spanish Word 😛 , Just wondering

Mark Diaz Truman   some of you speak spanish. I saw in the text a spanish Word 😛 , Just wondering

7 thoughts on “Mark Diaz Truman   some of you speak spanish. I saw in the text a spanish Word :P , Just wondering”

  1. Oh well, I saw the word “gratis” in the text and due your last name is spanish (Diaz as the Miocid, a famous fictional character), well… You understand me 😛 ahahahaah 

  2. I’m very impressed how you included other cultures in Urban shadows. It is very subtle , but using names from other origins than northamerica, picturing male players with female characters, etc. Very subtle, but very significant at same time. Congratulations! 

    Estoy muy impresionado en como incluyeron otras culturas en Urban Sahdows, Es algo bien sutil, pero usando nombre de otras culturas distintas que la norteamericana, presentando jugadores masculinos con personajes femeninos, etc. Muy sutil pero muy significativo al mismo tiempo. Felicidades!

  3. Awww. That’s awesome. Thank you! 

    (Wait until you see my next game, Cartel. It’s in English, but the game is set in Mexico, and it’s very, very Mexican.)

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