Man.  Watching ECW hardcore tv is so frustrating with their generic music replacing the original music the wrestlers…

Man.  Watching ECW hardcore tv is so frustrating with their generic music replacing the original music the wrestlers…

Man.  Watching ECW hardcore tv is so frustrating with their generic music replacing the original music the wrestlers used to come out to.

5 thoughts on “Man.  Watching ECW hardcore tv is so frustrating with their generic music replacing the original music the wrestlers…”

  1. Wait, what? They replaced their music in the shows? WWE owns all rights to all material from ECW, so why’d they change the music I wonder….

    That’s seriously sad though. Tell me Metallica is still used for the Sandman’s entrance.

  2. I don’t think Ecw ever owned those rights. Hence on all their albums they had to go with covers, and even on their old DVD releases Metallica was replaced aka volume was lowered, by a lot.

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