4 thoughts on “I had a question about Audience in the game. How often does it reset?”

  1. Depends on your game, though I think it would average to every three sessions or so. When you do the starting moves at the beginning of the night you add up everyone’s Audience scores, and if that total is higher than three times the amount of players you reset everyone’s Audience to its base value. Your fan base as a promotion has grown, so you need to win over new people. Some people have incorporated specific effects and events that represent this mechanically as well as narratively. Nobody resets individually, but various events can cause your Audience to fluctuate.

  2. Audience resetting is the coolest, both because it means your promotion has grown into a much bigger deal and so you have a much bigger obligation to put on a wild and crazy show with gonzo match types etc, and because it levels the playing field and gives the wrestlers something to strive for again.

  3. IME, the first reset is after 3-4 sessions, and then maybe every other session after that if you have a stable player base and folks are aiming for it. I think it only happened once in our Journeyman’s Cup game, but that’s because when you have rotating attendance that tends to keep the total Audience score down.

  4. Ah okay thanks. I was curious because I was watching an actual play and they were resetting it after every end of a feud. I wasn’t sure if that was right or not. Thanks.

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