Hey! For those of you who subscribe to my Patreon, I just posted the WWW:S2 playtest Gimmick sheets!

Hey! For those of you who subscribe to my Patreon, I just posted the WWW:S2 playtest Gimmick sheets!

Hey! For those of you who subscribe to my Patreon, I just posted the WWW:S2 playtest Gimmick sheets!

There’s six new ones:

The Ace is the top star who carries the company, always in title contention

The Young Boy is the rookie, here to learn, not to show off

The Luchadore is the iconic high-flying Lucha Libre competitor

The Cultural Champion is the (pop) cultural icon famous as a wrestler first, relied on to draw a crowd

The Indy Darling is the hot new thing, just breaking into the big leagues

The Shoot Fighter is the legit combat sports veteran

The content of these is close to what’s in the Google doc draft of the supplement, but they’re laid out to print and play with like the other sheets.

I’ll be leaving this PDF exclusive to Patreon backers for a little while. No pressure on anyone, but if you feel like chipping in $1 to check ’em out, that would be rad! If you’re ok waiting, they will go fully public in a few weeks.

Thanks to everyone who’s commented on the draft and otherwise given me things to think about in conversations here (Justin Phillips and Adam Goldberg triggered/influenced The Young Boy, in particular)!


6 thoughts on “Hey! For those of you who subscribe to my Patreon, I just posted the WWW:S2 playtest Gimmick sheets!”

  1. Okay, as much as I want to pressure you to record more videos of us laying the smackdown with these new roles to celebrate I am going to resist. Instead I am just going to state again that I love this freaking game so much. 

  2. Paul Myers the Ace is John Cena – the wrestler who’s been on top for years and years, and even if they’re not literally the champion the company is always ready to put the belt back on him.

    The Golden Boy is more of a Roman Reigns, where there’s clearly an agenda to make them a top guy, but there’s still a journey ahead of them.

  3. You would! The UI is a little weird but all patron-only posts are persistent. Once you’re subscribed clicking on this link should bring you right to it, if you’re having trouble navigating to it from within Patreon.

    How Patreon works on my end is that I can set my updates to “public” , “patrons only” and then to each individual patronage level. On your end, every patron gets the patron-only posts (which is most of them, unless I’m distributing a discount code to higher-level patrons or something like that).

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