Quick question: Why is The Bull’s “Thick and Thick Skinned” not called “Getting the Horns?”

Quick question: Why is The Bull’s “Thick and Thick Skinned” not called “Getting the Horns?”

Quick question: Why is The Bull’s “Thick and Thick Skinned” not called “Getting the Horns?”

Or if that doesn’t make sense, why isn’t there some other move called that? Major missed opportunity, there.

4 thoughts on “Quick question: Why is The Bull’s “Thick and Thick Skinned” not called “Getting the Horns?””

  1. “Getting the horns”.  In a game about emotional, hormone-driven teens.

    It’s, uh… open to varied interpretation, I’ll say that for it. 😛

  2. Dylan Ross Haven’t seen the movie. From googling it, I couldn’t even find out that the saying didn’t originate from the movie. If it did, that’s certainly fair.

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