I’ve just been reading through the game, can’t wait to play it. But I just had a few rules clarifications I was hoping for.
Firstly, with the custom flyer/vehicle skills it says “claiming a new vehicle as your Custom Vehicle, adding an extra upgrade to it.”. I read this in two ways. One is that you claim an existing vehicle as your new custom and add an extra upgrade to that. The other is that you claim a whole new vehicle identical to the one you lost but with one more upgrade. I was wondering which one was intended.
Secondly, if you start the game with a vehicle and choose for it to be armed/turreted, does its weapon count as one of your starting items (e.g. I choose an armed vehicle for my class two and its gun as one of my class ones)?
My readings:
1) you can claim a vehicle that you acquire as your new custom vehicle — add a new upgrade to it, since it’s your custom ride. This way, your ride will always be a little better to an equivalent vehicle of someone else.
Edited: to correct a misreading
I didn’t understand that part either
So the basic idea for the Custom Vehicle, Flyer, Weapon, Gear and Crew skills is that you can’t “lose” the skill by having your asset destroyed/lost/etc. So you can effectively carry over a +1 Class to the new asset of that type, but you can only have one “super” asset at a time. I admit, probably not the best phrasing. My bad.
Usually you get a default (class 0) weapon as an attachment, but you can absolutely use your Class 1 or Class 2 asset choices to further juice up your vehicle!