What is your understanding of this Mark on the Raven playbook?: “Change posts for the wrong reasons”

What is your understanding of this Mark on the Raven playbook?: “Change posts for the wrong reasons”

What is your understanding of this Mark on the Raven playbook?: “Change posts for the wrong reasons”

What does “posts” mean here?

3 thoughts on “What is your understanding of this Mark on the Raven playbook?: “Change posts for the wrong reasons””

  1. I have always understood it just means job or task (in Italian I translated it as “mansione”, if I can remember well). So, a good navigator now wants to be a pilot, or a pilot now wants to be a mechanic, or a vedomaya navigator decides to do an attack run as a lead pilot.

    Good luck with the NKVD, anyway, especially if your actions bring to complications. 😉

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