2 thoughts on “First attempt at a Jump Point. Feel free to fold, spindle and mutilate.”

  1. Looks great. Two things: Does the terrain question also cover things like “How big are the cargo crates? What other “hard” cover is around?”

    Also, not sure who “the one” is in this statement: “The one carrying the money for the buyer is too slow. They stagger and fall right out there in the open. What do you do?”

  2. Terrain might as well cover such questions, and the players will probably ask anyway – which is a great opportunity to get them to decide.

    Tweaked the language so its “the person”. I’d pictured this as a cash transaction (so, dropping the payment in the middle of the battlefield and making it contested gives the characters something to respond to). But it occurs to me that it could be cargo-based, so “how are you getting paid? What are they giving you in exchange?” is a useful question. Then its a matter of threatening that payment – either in the way suggested, or by having some of the attackers trying to seize the cargo / person / giant gold statue the characters are expecting in exchange.

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