What happens if a character gets from another playbook a move with reference to that specific playbook? For example:
Dangerous Web: When you reveal a trap you’ve left for someone using your powers, roll + your Mask Label. On a hit, your opponent trips into it, and you get an opening or opportunity against them. On a 10+, take +1 forward to pursuing it. On a miss, the trap inadvertently leads to a dangerous escalation
that require a Mask Label. Do the character gets to choose a Mask Label (or a Mentor Label, or whatever), or characters outside that playbook just can’t get those moves?
I would say you can only take those moves you have all prerequisites. But I’m don’t have the official answer.
Mauro Ghibaudo for those kinds of things it would make sense to define a Mask label.
Moves relating to Mentors don’t make sense to take unless you have a mentor in the fiction or could come up with one right then that maeks sense.
https://plus.google.com/100223244622657486310/posts/UUMnLbbwXbB and the replies therein hit the same topic, for my lazy answer.
Yeah, my feeling on the topic flows from Matt Morton a bit here. Namely, if you take a move that has “feature” prerequisites, you get those…assuming you HAVE those.
i.e. If you want to take a move that requires you to have a Mentor, if you have a mentor, then you get all the “features” that come with it (i.e. “all the mechanical bits”). Because a lot of those weird mechanical pre-reqs are just part of how you model the relationship. But the relationship needs to be there. Or be created. (IMHO it’s perfectly legit to say “Since I took this move, my character acquires a mentor.” Yes, you have to work out the details, but it’s fine to go from Move -> Fiction as well as from Fiction -> Move.)
I am not sure I explained that very well. =/