I’m wanting to run a one shot game this Friday or Saturday night 8pm est for 2-3 hours.

I’m wanting to run a one shot game this Friday or Saturday night 8pm est for 2-3 hours.

I’m wanting to run a one shot game this Friday or Saturday night 8pm est for 2-3 hours. Over Google hangouts. Not recorded. Just to test the system and mechanics. Let me know if anyone would be interested in joining and if Friday or Saturday would be better for you

21 thoughts on “I’m wanting to run a one shot game this Friday or Saturday night 8pm est for 2-3 hours.”

  1. If it’s a one-shot, I could join.  I played a few sessions of Dungeon World so far only, but I read all of UW.  A lot depends on arranging the Factions and setting details of your world, and cooking up some ideas of consequences ahead of time might help.  You have an adventure script of “what if it goes right”, but what if it goes wrong?

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