I run a weekly open game in a pub where there is much drinking and noises.

I run a weekly open game in a pub where there is much drinking and noises.

I run a weekly open game in a pub where there is much drinking and noises. I’ve so far found Blades in the Dark to be suitable for this kind of environment, except for the fact that I’m now getting upwards of 5 players a week and Blades really sings at 3-4. So I’m looking at changing games. After playing a one-shot of WWW, I pitched the game to them tonight.

They want to play, but they want it to a shonen anime hack instead. World Wide Wrestling RPG community, how batshit insane is this, and on an unrelated note, is it possible?

8 thoughts on “I run a weekly open game in a pub where there is much drinking and noises.”

  1. Sure it is possible, but it sounds like you might need to hack it a little. I would suggest talking to Justin Hunt about his space variant and looking at New Year’s Fray, which is set up a bit more like a Christmas themed version of Mortal Kombat.

  2. Nathan Paoletta included it as an offer with Epimas this year. I don’t know if he sells the PDF on his own, but that would be the start of the search!

  3. If you’re going by the conceit that Shonen has kayfabe, the rules work well.

    If everyone’s fighting for real:

    The fed is “Booked” by Fate itself. You can Defy Fate with Real, but the Cosmos may dislike you (and if your audience stays at -0, erase you from the timeline.)

    Otherwise, watch some ULTIMATE MUSCLE.

  4. My federation’s top face was a wrestling bear, my hardcore champion was a seven-year-old girl with a taser, and there was a three-way feud in the works for control of a piece of sentient cheesecake.

    I’m pretty sure WWWRPG can handle insanity.

    Also, watch Lucha Underground. It’s awesome.

  5. Adam Goldberg I love those suggestions. Now we just need to come up with a suitably ridiculous conceit for the anime. At the moment we’re thinking teenage students who are secretly Norse Gods. 

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